Army National Guard AGR Jobs

Do you need a job? Why not work for the National Guard? Go check out the list of AGR available for your state.

Texas Army National Guard AGR Jobs

Are you a member of the Texas Army National Guard? "Texas AGR jobs" are the most searched AGR jobs on Google. Check them out now!

Florida Army National Guard AGR Jobs

Are you a member of the Florida Army National Guard? "Florida AGR jobs" are the second most searched AGR jobs on Google. Check them out now!

California Army National Guard AGR Jobs

Are you a member of the California Army National Guard? "California AGR jobs" are the third most searched AGR jobs on Google. Check them out now!

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Poppy Seed Warning Memo - Widest dissemination of the memorandum signed by the Under Secretary of Defense

Please see attachments from HQDA regarding consumption of products with poppy seeds. Please afford widest dissemination. 

Soldier Guidance: ArmyIgnitED TA Stoppers/Hist-TAR

Date Published: 21 Feb 23 Subject: Soldier Guidance for Tuition Assistance (TA) Stoppers/Blockers and Historical TA Requests in the Upgraded ArmyIgnitED 1.  Soldier Actions for Missing or Unsuccessful Grades         a. TA Stoppers/Blockers are activated/turned on in the upgraded ArmyIgnitED system. What does this mean for you? You may receive notifications in your ArmyIgnitED Dashboard related to missing, unsuccessful, or incomplete grades.         b. Soldiers who receive a notification that they are being recouped for missing or unsuccessful TA grades should verify that the grade being recouped for is correct in ArmyIgnitED.  If the grade is incorrect or it is a missing grade, they should provide a transcript or grade report to their education center to have the system updated.  Soldiers will have 30 days from the notification date to select a recoupment plan or have the grade updated.  After the 30 days, if the Soldier has not had the grade updated or selected a payment plan, a recoupment for a lump sum payment in the full amount will be initiated.         c. Soldiers who receive a notification that they are being recouped for an incomplete TA grade (class ended more than 180 days ago) should verify that the grade being recouped for is correct in ArmyIgnitED. If the grade is incorrect, they should provide a transcript (official or unofficial) or a grade report to their education center to have the system updated. Soldiers will have 30 days from the notification date to select a recoupment plan or have the grade updated.  After the 30 days, if the Soldier has not had the grade updated or selected a payment plan, a recoupment for a lump sum payment in the full amount will be initiated.         d. Soldiers should contact an Education Counselor if they have any questions about updating TA grades.         e. Important Note: Soldiers who receive these notifications for CA grades should upload any missing certificates of completion into an ArmyIgnitED message, making sure to select the “Credentialing Assistance” messaging category, so it can be updated by the Army Credentialing Assistance Program Office team.  Soldiers can also send a message to the same to ask questions about updating their CA grades.  2. Tuition Assistance Request Cannot be Processed Without Soldier Signature         a. Soldiers must go into their upgraded ArmyIgnitED account ( to check for and sign any pending TA requests for previously taken courses before they can be processed. Without this signature, Academic Institutions (schools) will not be able to invoice the Army, creating an outstanding balance on a Soldier’s school account. Army Education Counselors are continuing to create FY22 Historical TA Requests (HTARs). Soldiers may also see pending FY21 TA requests in their account that need to be signed. To expedite invoicing and payment, please log into your ArmyIgnitED account and sign the HTARS and other pending TA requests immediately. If you need a FY22 HTAR created or have questions about pending TA requests in your account, contact your Army Education Center.  Be aware that HTARs are for courses that were not processed in the legacy ArmyIgnitED due to system error.  All future TA requests in the upgraded ArmyIgnitED must be submitted 7-60 days prior to the term start date.  NOTE: All TARs, both past and future requests, must be signed by Soldiers inside of ArmyIgnitED. Without a Soldier signature, TARs cannot be processed for payment and may result in a Soldier financial obligation with your academic institution. Finally, Soldiers should not sign a pending TA request for a course that was NOT taken. If you did not take the course, contact your Education Counselor for assistance.  Army Credentialing and Continuing Education Services for Soldiers (ACCESS) Army University  / Combined Arms Center / contact your education center / support team

S1NET Message Summary - 24 Feb 23

A U.S. Army Soldier assigned to 278th Armored Cavalry Regiment, Tennessee Army National Guard, clears a mine field protecting an objective during Decisive Action Rotation 18-07 at the National Training Center in Fort Irwin, Calif., May 16, 2018. Decisive Action Rotations at the National Training Center ensure units remain versatile, responsive, and consistently available for current and future contingencies. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Antoine Rolle, Operations Group, National Training Center)


1. IPPS-A UPDATE, 23 FEB 23.  From COL Rebecca Eggers, IPPS-A FMD: Teammates, as summer PCS assignments begin to process, I’d like to focus this week’s message on specific items regarding the orders/absence process and provide some information on what we are seeing with CRM cases.           a. Absence in Conjunction with PCS. We have received several questions regarding submitting absence requests in conjunction with PCS. Attached (at the above link) is a slide deck that shows how to request absence in conjunction with PCS with or without PTDY.      b. Member Elections. As more and more PCS assignments load from HRC to IPPS-A, we have provided some tips at the following link for your Soldiers to make their member elections, and information on overseas approval of command sponsorship.      d. We have heard that some on-post agencies are turning Soldiers away with these new PCS orders. While we have coordinated with Garrison Commanders to ensure agencies are aware of the new formats, if Soldiers are turned away, please let us know immediately so we can contact those installations directly.      e. CRM Cases. I have noted previously that the number of HR cases continues to grow. As a reminder, cases default to an HR case. In several instances where Soldiers were told by their S1s to submit a CRM case, these cases are then sitting in the S1 Provider Group not being actioned. S1s should make a habit of checking to see if they have cases at least daily by going to the My Cases tile or Case Management tile.  We do still hear challenges with CRM cases getting closed. We will continue to work closely with the Tier 1 Helpdesk to ensure cases are closed after resolution is confirmed. If your case is closed without resolution, you should immediately re-open the case. Additionally, when Soldiers submit cases, providing as much information and documentation as possible ensures more timely action of the case.      f. HRC has taken the lead on providing guidance to the field regarding BOCO assignments. Please find attached (at the above link) the information regarding sending information to HRC to ensure those Soldiers who already PCSd but are still waiting assignment are processed quickly. 2. “CHEVRONS”, ISSUE: 9, MARCH 2023. From HRC Military Schools Branch SGM: “I am excited to provide you with the most recent copy of our “CHEVRONS” Newsletter. This is issue# 9, and it provides some of our enlisted training updates. Want to see something added? Need an explanation on how things work in our section? Please, let me know!” This edition contains information/updates on FY23 Sergeants Major Course (SMC-CL74) Master Sergeant School Selection and scheduling, TWI Update, and Broadening Fellowships. 3. AG SCHOOL HR CREDENTIALING PROGRAM APPLICATION SUBMISSION OPEN 15 MARCH-14 APRIL 2023. The Adjutant General School is pleased to announce the application packet submission window will be open 15 March – 14 April 2023 for the AG School Credentialing Program, Spring FY23 Session. Qualified CMF 42 Soldiers from all components may apply for this opportunity to participate in the credentialing program. The program includes the Associate Professional in Human Resources (aPHR), Professional in Human Resources (PHR), Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR), Project Management Professional (PMP), and Certified Associate Project Management (CAPM). Read more at the following link. 4. ARMY RESERVE PAY MESSAGE 23-06, ARMY MILITARY PAY OFFICE (AMPO) LEAVE IPPS-A PROCESS (CORRECTED). USAR units demobilizing at MFGIs are directly supported by AMPOs to ensure Soldier pay and entitlement actions are properly administered prior to returning to home station.  Part of this process requires AMPOs to process DA 31 Leave and Pass forms for all Soldiers.  With the implementation of IPPS-A, the manual “leave process” has transitioned to a Payroll Absence Request (PAR) automated process in IPPS-A.  This is known as an “Absence” and replaces the legacy term “Leave and Pass”. Read more at the following link. 5.  IPPS-A ITEMS.      a. IPPS-A "A DAY IN THE LIFE" WEBINAR SERIES - PAI PREP- 1 MAR 2023. Attached is the CONOP for the IPPS-A "A Day in the Life" Webinar Series - PAI Prep. The FMD Training Team will be conducting two sessions on 1 MAR 23 at 1100 ET and 1900 ET.      b. IPPS-A SOLDIER TOWNHALL - 20230223 (PART 1). Visit the following link for access to a recording of the Soldier Townhall and other products.      c. DD93 & SGLV "HOW TO GUIDE". The XVIII Airborne Corps G-1 HROC team has constructed a “How to Guide” for Soldiers to assist them with completing DD93s and SGLVs in the document attached at the following link. 6. BRANCH/COMMAND ITEMS.      a. APPLICATIONS OPEN FOR FUNCTIONAL AREA 58 (ENTERPRISE MARKETING AND BEHAVIORAL ECONOMICS). Functional Area 58 (Enterprise Marketing and Behavioral Economics) is looking for talented officers with backgrounds in marketing. Established in 2019, we are the Army’s newest functional area and are about to kick off our 5th round of officer selections. Joining FA58 is truly unique as you become part of a small but highly selective group of professionals who have the mission of managing the Army’s brand and strategic marketing, while applying school theory to real world marketing problems. A few notes about our branch at the following link.      b. SAVE THE DATE: XVIII ABC MILITARY JOB FAIR ON 5-9 JUNE 2023 @ "FLNC". The XVIII Airborne Corp is hosting the first ever Fort Liberty North Carolina Military Job Fair (Talent Peak) for all Officers moving in 24-02 thru 25-01 Cycles and NCOs moving in 24-04 thru 25-02 Cycle. Please visit the following link for more information. 7. Recently published DOD and Army Directives (AD) and All Army Activity (ALARACT) messages. None. New ALARACTs and ADs are also posted on APD at the following link. 8. Recently published Military Personnel (MILPER) messages and Military Pay E-Messages.  All MILPER messages are available on the HRC MILPER web page at All Military Pay E-Messages are available on milBook at      a. MILPER MESSAGE 23-064, REVISION OF MILITARY OCCUPATIONAL SPECIALTY (MOS) 25V (COMBAT DOCUMENTATION/PRODUCTION SPECIALIST) TO 46V (VISUAL INFORMATION SPECIALIST) AND DELETION OF MOS 25M (MULTIMEDIA ILLUSTRATOR) CAREER MANAGEMENT FIELD 46 PUBLIC AFFAIRS, ISSUED: [2/23/2023 2:27:25 PM]. The general content of this message applies to all Soldiers in all components of the U.S. Army: Regular Army (RA), National Guard (NG) and Army Reserve (AR), who started Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) 25V or 25M training on or prior to 1 Oct 21 regardless of graduation date. Effective 1 Oct 21, MOS 25V title changed from “Combat Documentation/Production Specialist to 46V “Visual Information Specialist.” All previous MOS 25M (Multimedia Illustrator) duties, functions, and positions are now transferred to MOS 46V (Visual Information Specialist), with additional skill identifier (ASI) Y2 (Transition). Soldiers are required to cross train in what was previously MOS 25V (Visual Information Specialist) IOT satisfy the current 46V requirements. The Y2 ASI indicates a Soldier is non-MOS qualified and remains in place until such time as the training is complete.      b. MILITARY PAY E-MESSAGE # 23-007, SUBJECT: TRANSFER OF ANNUAL LEAVE AND COMBAT ZONE LEAVE FROM ONE OPEN LMR TO ANOTHER USING S05 MILITARY LEAVE TRANSACTION (DJMS-RC). The purpose of this message is to inform all of the update to the S04 and S05 Military Leave Transaction (DJMS-RC). 9. FORSCOM WIAS POSITIONS (UPDATED A/O 16 FEB 23). Hot openings listed at the following link.       a. JOPES PLANNER | WIESBADEN CLAY KS | O-4/5 | 90A | TS/SCI | ASAP | 365 DAYS.      b.  SIGNAL FMS CASE MANAGER| IRAQ | O-4 |25A | TS/SCI | ASAP | 365 DAYS. |         c.  ISR LNO | NIAMEY | O-2/3 |35D | TS/SCI | ASAP | 180 DAYS.         d.  AVN FMS CASE MANAGER| BAGHDAD | O-4 |15A | S | ASAP | 365 DAYS. |  10. ARNG/USAR POSITIONS/JOBS AVAILABLE.  S1NET members have posted the following RC position/job vacancy information.  For a listing of all USAR primary vacancies (updated weekly) visit Units/commands who wish to post vacancies on S1NET may do so by following the instructions posted on the front page of the Job Announcements topic at the following link. Those posts which are in the correct location and which are posted in accordance with the instructions provided will be included in a future S1NET Message Summary.      a. C CO COMMANDER POSN: O3, 25A, SIGNAL OFFICER, 90TH ASB, FORT WORTH, TX.

S1NET Message Summary - 23 Feb 23

Cpl. Ronaldo Lumba, gunner, Company A, 3rd battalion, 297th Infantry Brigade, Alaska Army National Guard, pulls security on the streets of a small town outside Baghdad while other Soldiers search vehicles, Aug. 3. U.S. Army photo by Spc. Mary Rose (RELEASED)


1. REVISED PROCEDURAL GUIDANCE REGARDING PERMANENT ORDER NUMBERS ON CERTIFICATES. From HRC Awards and Decorations Branch: As we continue to move forward in the implementation of IPPS-A R3 across the Army, The U.S. Army Human Resources Command, Awards and Decorations Branch has revised procedural guidance outlined in AR 600-8-22 as it pertains to the placement of permanent order (PO) numbers on certificates for awards that are generated in and out of IPPS-A. Effective immediately, PO numbers are not required on certificates for awards that are generated inside and outside of IPPS-A. Commands may choose to produce and present certificates with each approved award. Units are still required to produce and maintain a permanent orders log for all awards that are generated outside of IPPS-A. For awards that are generated inside IPPS-A, a PO number will be automatically generated. As of 17 January 2023, award certificates are no longer an authoritative source document requirement in the Soldier's Army Military Human Resource Record (AMHRR). 2. HRC - G1/S1 TOUCHPOINT AS OF 20230215. The HRC - G1/S1 touchpoint was initiated to provide a platform for G1/S1’s to directly communicate with Human Resources Command (HRC) professionals and the Functional Management Division IPPS-A team (FMD). In this edition: Overview of Frustrated Assignment Resolution plan, Way Ahead for Officer Orders, Reserve Personnel Management Division Issues, The Adjutant General Directorate Issues, and IPPS-A Known Issues. 3. HRC - MILITARY PERSONNEL DIVISION (MPD) FOCUSED TOUCHPOINT AS OF 20230222. The HRC - MPD Touchpoint was initiated to provide a platform to address concerns, disseminate information, communicate, and provide MPD focused training ISO the Army's transition to IPPS-A. In this edition: Active Component to Reserve Component Transfers (Frustrated Assignments), Accountability Campaign Plan Hub (Manual Orders Generation, Frustrated Assignments, Departure Transactions in IPPS-A), Army-wide Personnel Asset Inventory (PAI), Functional Management Division (IPPS-A) notes, and IPPS-A Known Issues. 4. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY STRATEGIC LANGUAGE LIST (SLL) FOR GENERAL PURPOSE FORCES, 21 FEBRUARY 2023. From HRC Incentives and Compensation Branch:  The current SLL for General Purpose Forces published by the Army G-2 is dated 21 February 2023 and attached at the following link. 5. FY23 88TH RD ARMY RESERVE TPU MSG/1SG NCO EVALUATION BOARD ANNOUNCEMENT. Attached at the following link is the FY23 88th RD AR TPU MSG/1SG NCO Evaluation Board Announcement. The board will convene on 1 May 2023 and will review all eligible MSG/1SG records in their PRIMARY MOS only for the purpose of creating an Order of Merit List (OML) to facilitate a myriad of human resource decisions. These management decisions include selection for training to attend the Sergeants Major Course for the purpose of satisfying the Army's Select, Train, Educate, Promote (STEP) policy. There are 2 eligibility reports attached.  The file named "FY23 E8 Eligibility Report" has all MSG/1SG that meet the TIG/DOB eligibility requirements.  These Soldiers will be evaluated.  The file named "FY23 1SG DOR verification" is a report of 1SG's who have a DOR within 18 months, that may be incorrect.  If you have MSG's that were laterally appointed to 1SG's, their DOR should be the date they first attained MSG, NO when they were appointed 1SG.  This report needs to be validated by your S-1 shops to ensure the DOR's are corrected (if necessary) so these Soldiers do not miss out on being evaluated. 6. IPPS-A ITEMS.      a. IPPS-A COUNCIL OF COLONELS - 23 FEB 2023. Attached at the following link is the slide deck for IPPS-A's monthly Council of Colonels meeting that takes place on 23FEB2023. HR leaders across the US Army will receive real-time updates from program FMD leads on the progression of IPPS-A.      b. IPPS-A R3 ROLES AND PERMISSIONS TRAINING SERIES: PART II – 28 FEBRUARY 2023 (ACCESS REQUEST OVERVIEW). Attached (following link) is the CONOP for the IPPS-A R3 Roles and Permissions Training Series Part II – Validator Overview. During Part II of the three-part series, the IPPS-A FMD Audit/Internal Controls team will familiarize users with responsibilities of Validator/Validator Administrator, different types of Validators, Roles and Permissions Matrix, and approval of access requests. Part II is geared towards improving the knowledge base of Validators to facilitate the provisioning process.      c. IPPS-A AUDIT AND INTERNAL CONTROLS SERIES: PART II – 27 FEBRUARY 2023 (REPORT REVIEW). Attached (following link) is the CONOP for the IPPS-A R3 Audit and Internal Controls live training Part III – Report Review. During Part III of the three-part series, the IPPS-A FMD Audit/Internal Controls team will familiarize users with a deep dive of Army’s Financial Statement Audit. 7. Recently published DOD and Army Directives (AD) and All Army Activity (ALARACT) messages. None. New ALARACTs and ADs are also posted on APD at the following link. 8. Recently published Military Personnel (MILPER) messages and Military Pay E-Messages.  All MILPER messages are available on the HRC MILPER web page at All Military Pay E-Messages are available on milBook at      a. MILPER MESSAGE 23-061, AGR OFFICER PROMOTION SEQUENCE NUMBERS FOR MARCH 2023, ISSUED: [2/22/2023 9:24:04 AM].      b. MILPER MESSAGE 23-062, AC OFFICER PROMOTION SEQUENCE NUMBERS FOR MARCH 2023, ISSUED: [2/22/2023 9:39:29 AM].      c. MILPER MESSAGE 23-063, JOINT MERITORIOUS UNIT AWARD (JMUA) TO HEADQUARTERS, UNITED STATES AFRICA COMMAND, ISSUED: [2/22/2023 1:14:31 PM]. This message announces that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has awarded the Joint Meritorious Unit Award (JMUA) to Headquarters, United States Africa Command, to include the following subordinate units: Special Operations Command Africa, Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa, Joint Task Force Quartz, Joint Forces Special Operation Component Command, and Task Force 94-7, for exceptionally meritorious service during the period 13 November 2020 to 16 January 2021. Service units and individuals assigned to Service units in support of these organizations are not eligible for this award. 9. FORSCOM WIAS POSITIONS (UPDATED A/O 16 FEB 23). Hot openings listed at the following link.       a. JOPES PLANNER | WIESBADEN CLAY KS | O-4/5 | 90A | TS/SCI | ASAP | 365 DAYS.      b.  SIGNAL FMS CASE MANAGER| IRAQ | O-4 |25A | TS/SCI | ASAP | 365 DAYS. |         c.  ISR LNO | NIAMEY | O-2/3 |35D | TS/SCI | ASAP | 180 DAYS.         d.  AVN FMS CASE MANAGER| BAGHDAD | O-4 |15A | S | ASAP | 365 DAYS. |  10. ARNG/USAR POSITIONS/JOBS AVAILABLE.  S1NET members have posted the following RC position/job vacancy information.  For a listing of all USAR primary vacancies (updated weekly) visit Units/commands who wish to post vacancies on S1NET may do so by following the instructions posted on the front page of the Job Announcements topic at the following link. Those posts which are in the correct location and which are posted in accordance with the instructions provided will be included in a future S1NET Message Summary.      a. 90TH SPECIAL TROOPS BATTALION, TPU POSITIONS, E8/92G/25U ENLISTED AND O3/LG OFFICER VACANCIES, LITTLE ROCK, AR.      b. OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF ARMY RESERVE (OCAR) SEEKING AN O4/O5 AS AN AUSA PLANNER, FT BELVOIR, VA.      c. 100TH TRAINING DIVISION (LD), TPU, MULTIPLE VACANCIES (HHC CDR, HHC 1SG, ADC), FORT KNOX, KY.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

S1NET Message Summary - 22 Feb 23

A N.Y. Army National Guard pilot assigned to 3rd Battalion, 142nd Aviation, prepares for a flight in a UH-60 Black Hawk Helicopter at Army Aviation Support Facility # 3 in Latham, N.Y., on April 5, 2018. The 3-142nd was flying Siena College students with the Reserve Officer Training Corps to Burlington, V.T. for their monthly training. (N.Y. Army National Guard photo by Spc. Andrew Valenza)


1. AFGHANISTAN RETROGRADE STREAMER INFORMATION. From HRC Awards and Decorations Branch: The Meritorious Unit Commendation streamers authorized for the Afghanistan Retrograde Operations/OAW/OAR, for all units, have been ordered by the U.S. Army Human Resources Command. Once streamers are received by HRC, the streamers will be issued to approved units. Please do not contact TACOM or the Center of Military History regarding distribution of streamers. All questions regarding the MUC for the Afghanistan Retrograde Operation/OAR/OAW should be routed through the command G1 channels to the HRC Awards and Decorations Branch. 2. HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATION COURSE (HRMQC) MOBILE TRAINING TEAM (MTT) @ MADISON, WI (WIARNG). The HRMQC Team will be conducting an MTT this August in Madison, Wisconsin, 13 through 24 August 2023 (13th is a travel day). This class is visible in ATTRS, however, you cannot register in ATTRS so please contact the POC to coordinate registration/attendance. 3. SOLDIER GUIDANCE FOR TUITION ASSISTANCE (TA) STOPPERS/BLOCKERS AND HISTORICAL TARs IN THE UPGRADED ArmyIgnitED. TA Stoppers/Blockers are activated/turned on in the upgraded ArmyIgnitED system. What does this mean for you? You may receive notifications in your ArmyIgnitED Dashboard related to missing, unsuccessful, or incomplete grades. Soldiers who receive a notification that they are being recouped for missing or unsuccessful TA grades should verify that the grade being recouped for is correct in ArmyIgnitED.  Soldiers will have 30 days from the notification date to select a recoupment plan or have the grade updated.  After the 30 days, if the Soldier has not had the grade updated or selected a payment plan, a recoupment for a lump sum payment in the full amount will be initiated. 4. ARMY RESERVE TRAINING GUIDE TRAINING GUIDE (ARTG) (CUI), FEB 23. The Army Reserve Training Guide (ARTG) serves as an overarching outline for United States Army Reserve (USAR) Leaders to develop and provide combat ready forces at the scale and speed required to support the total force. 5. (USAR) BOARD PREFERENCES AND ELECTIONS FOR THE FY23 TPU/IRR SFC NCO EVALUATION BOARD.  The results of subject evaluation board have been loaded into IPPS-A and those found most qualified and fully qualified for promotion may update their board preferences and elections in IPPS-A.  A guide on how to update is provided at the following link. 6. ARMY RESERVE PAY MESSAGE 23-06, AMPO LEAVE IPPS-A PROCESS. USAR units demobilizing at MFGIs are directly supported by AMPOs to ensure Soldier pay and entitlement actions are properly administered prior to returning to home station.  Part of this process requires AMPOs to process DA 31 Leave and Pass forms for all Soldiers.  With the implementation of IPPS-A, the manual “leave process” has transitioned to a Personnel Action Request (PAR) automated process in IPPS-A.  This is known as an “Absence” and replaces the legacy term “Leave and Pass”. Due to IPPS-A access and organizational setup challenges, all AMPOs will continue to accept manual DA 31 Leaves and Pass forms until 17 April 2023. While AMPOs will continue to accept the legacy DA 31, USAR units are encouraged to utilize IPPS-A to the maximum extent possible, if able to do so. 7. BRANCH/COMMAND ITEMS.      a. AGCRA NEWSLETTER # 58. In this issue, updates from the 34th Army Band, The Mount Rainier Chapter, The Gold Vault Chapter, and announcement of the Gold Vault Chapter Annual Golf Scramble. 8. Recently published DOD and Army Directives (AD) and All Army Activity (ALARACT) messages. None. New ALARACTs and ADs are also posted on APD at the following link. 9. Recently published Military Personnel (MILPER) messages and Military Pay E-Messages.  None. All MILPER messages are available on the HRC MILPER web page at All Military Pay E-Messages are available on milBook at 10. S1NET MEMBER/UNIT CONTRIBUTIONS. The following unit/individually developed products or information have been contributed to S1NET for the use and benefit of all members/units. These products have not been reviewed nor sanctioned by TRADOC or the AG School, and may be specific to the unit/component/location.      a. IPPS-A UDL AND WORKFLOW TEMPLATE FOR A USAR SUST BDE HQ/STB (A WAY). “This product provides an example of User-Defined List (UDL) and Workflow Template development for a USAR (COMPO 3) Sustainment Brigade headquarters. The core of the unit C2 is Special Troops Battalion (STB), with the Brigade HHC, Brigade Signal Company, and Field Feeding Team Detachment.” Contributed by MAJ Gustavo Agosto-DaFonseca.      b. IPPS-A - PERSONNEL ASSET INVENTORY (PAI). “Team, Created a how to guide on preparing our unit's on the upcoming PAI. See attachment for use for your unit. Please feel free to modify and use as needed for your unit.” Contributed by CW2 Aaron Leeds. 11. FORSCOM WIAS POSITIONS (UPDATED A/O 16 FEB 23). Hot openings listed at the following link.       a. JOPES PLANNER | WIESBADEN CLAY KS | O-4/5 | 90A | TS/SCI | ASAP | 365 DAYS.      b.  SIGNAL FMS CASE MANAGER| IRAQ | O-4 |25A | TS/SCI | ASAP | 365 DAYS. |         c.  ISR LNO | NIAMEY | O-2/3 |35D | TS/SCI | ASAP | 180 DAYS.         d.  AVN FMS CASE MANAGER| BAGHDAD | O-4 |15A | S | ASAP | 365 DAYS. |  12. ARNG/USAR POSITIONS/JOBS AVAILABLE.  S1NET members have posted the following RC position/job vacancy information.  For a listing of all USAR primary vacancies (updated weekly) visit Units/commands who wish to post vacancies on S1NET may do so by following the instructions posted on the front page of the Job Announcements topic at the following link. Those posts which are in the correct location and which are posted in accordance with the instructions provided will be included in a future S1NET Message Summary.      a. NETWORK ENTERPRISE COMMAND (NETCOM) ADVANCED CAPABILITY ENGINEERING DIVISION (ACED) IMA VACANCIES, MAJ/25A/26A, FT HUACHUCA, AZ.      b. A CO / 337 MILITARY INTELLIGENCE BATTALION, O3 / TPU / COMPANY COMMANDER, FORT SHERIDAN, IL.

Friday, February 17, 2023

S1NET Message Summary - 18 Feb 23

Spc. Jerry Gasperson, Company A, 3rd battalion, 297th Infantry Brigade, Alaska Army National Guard, pulls security in his turret on the streets of a small town on the outskirts of Baghdad, Aug. 3.


1. IPPS-A UPDATE, 17 FEB 23. From COL Rebecca Eggers, IPPS-A FMD: Greetings from Team IPPS-A! I appreciate your patience and dedication as we continue to make progress. I’d like to provide you with some updates and guidance as you proceed on your IPPS-A journey.      a. Soldier Town Hall: Spread the word to your Soldiers! Save the Date for a special IPPS-A Town Hall for Soldiers on Thursday, 23 February, 2023, 1100 – 1230 ET. IPPS-A is a Soldier system, used by every Soldier. SGM Gary Krese and subject matter experts will discuss the benefits IPPS-A brings to Soldiers and will answer Soldier questions. Join on Teams or Facebook. Please encourage and allow time for your Soldiers to participate.       b. Personnel Asset Inventory (PAI). The window for units to conduct the Post Go-Live PAI is 1 March – 30 April 2023. The objective of the PAI is to maintain timely, error-free personnel accountability, involve commanders at all levels in the strength and reporting process, and to reconcile IPPS-A data with Soldiers present in the unit (whether assigned or attached). See MILPER 23-057 for more information.      d. Known Issues: For the latest updates on IPPS-A issues pertaining to promotions, benefits, assignments, onboarding, and more, please reference our list of known issues (current list attached at the link above). This resource includes updates on items we know matter to you, and offers answers to common questions we get from the field. The entire team is on hand to work through these issues with you, so please continue to pass the issues you are finding to us. We greatly appreciate your patience and diligence. 2. EVALUATION ENTRY SYSTEM (EES) ERROR RATES, 17 FEB 23. From HRC Evaluations Branch: UPDATE :  We are back to pre-EES error rates. That contributes a lot to the longer processing times. Visit the following link for top errors on both OERs and NCOERs. 3. SELECTION OF NEW FORSCOM, G1 SGM. From the Army G-1 SGM, SGM Christopher (Smoke) Stevens: "On behalf of the Sergeant Major of the Army, we are pleased to announce that Command Sergeant Major Eva M. Commons, Headquarters, U.S. Army Garrison, Command Sergeant Major, Fort Hamilton, NY, has been selected as the Sergeant Major, FORSCOM, G1, Fort Bragg, NC. Please pass on your congratulations to Eva." CSM Commons’ biography is attached at the following link. 4. HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATION COURSE (HRMQC) # 006-23. HRMQC #006-23 (5-16 June 2023) is currently visible in ATTRS with a quota of 15. The March and May class is full, and July has at least 10 students registered. Despite the limit of 15 in the June class, we can accommodate at least 30 Soldiers. This class is still only open to RC personnel and is now available for registration. 5. AMERICAN LEGION SPIRIT OF SERVICE AWARD (FY 23). From HRC Awards and Decorations Branch: The American Legion will again present The American Legion Spirit of Service Award to an enlisted member of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Space Force, and the National Guard Bureau. These prestigious awards are bestowed to those who have selflessly distinguished themselves above and beyond their regular duties, predominantly through community service activities and professional achievement. These awards are typically presented during The American Legion's National Convention. Nominations are due by 17 Apr 23. 6. OFFICER PROMOTION ITEMS. The lists at the following links are for use to plan for Promotion Ceremonies. If eligibility is not met an order will not be produced in IPPS-A.      a. AC OFFICER PROMOTIONS FOR CEREMONIES, MARCH 2023.      b. USAR AGR AND NON-AGR OFFICER PROMOTIONS FOR CEREMONIES, MARCH 2023. 7. ENLISTED PROMOTION ITEMS.      a. ACTIVE COMPONENT ENLISTED PROMOTION CUTOFF SCORES AND SGT/SSG BY-NAME PROMOTION LISTS, MARCH 2023.      b. AGR (USAR) (SFC-SGM) SENIOR ENLISTED PROMOTION SEQUENCE NUMBER REPORT AND BY-NAME PROMOTIONS LIST, MARCH 2023. 8. AM I ELIGIBLE FOR EXPANDED PARENTAL LEAVE (12-WEEKS)? This graphic, attached at the following link, assists in determining the entitlement for expanded parental leave. 9. IPPS-A ITEMS.      a. IPPSA GUIDE - SUBMITTING ABSENCE REQUEST IN CONJUNCTION WITH PCS.      b. ***CHANGE***UPCOMING IPPS-A LIVE TRAINING - FEBRUARY 2023. This summary details training currently scheduled for February 2023, and makes changes to the 22 Feb 23 Q&A Session with SMEs.      c. IPPS-A "A DAY IN THE LIFE" WEBINAR SERIES - Q & A SESSION - 22 FEB 2023. Attached is the CONOP for the IPPS-A "A Day in the Life" Webinar Series - Q&A session. The FMD Training Team will be conducting two sessions on 22 FEB 23 at 1100 ET and 1900 ET. 10. EXCEPTION TO POLICY TO ARMY REGULATION (AR) 135-155, RESERVE COMPONENT (RC) ARMY MEDICAL DEPARTMENT (AMEDD) OFFICER PROMOTION MILITARY EDUCATION (MILED) REQUIREMENTS, 14 FEBRUARY 2023. On 14 Feb 23, Director, Military Personnel Management, HQDA G-1, approved and ETP MILED requirements for promotion selection boards found in AR 135-155 (Promotion of Commissioned Officer and Warrant Officers Other than General Officers), 13 Dec 2022. This Exception to Policy (ETP) to the MILED requirements for promotion selection boards applies to AMEDD commissioned officers serving on the Reserve Active Status List (RASL) in an active status. 11. BRANCH/COMMAND ITEMS.      a. AGCRA NEWSLETTER # 57.  In this issue: AGCRA Carolina Chapter Breakfast featured guest speaker CSM Tamika L. DeVeaux, AGCRA Senior AG Leader Engagement Session featuring LTG Douglas F. Stitt on 30 March 2023 at 1800 hours (EST), AGCRA Alamo Chapter awards, and the AGCRA Rock of the Marne Chapter's Leadership Professional Development Session.      b. MAUI, HAWAII PRE-RETIREMENT SEMINAR - 4 MARCH 2023. The 9th Mission Support Command Retirement Services Team will be hosting a Pre-Retirement Seminar for Maui Soldiers and Gray Area Retirees on Saturday, 4 Mach 2023 at the USAR Center, Wailuku, HI.      c. FORT BRAGG HR UNIVERSITY " WORKFLOW" ON MARCH 2, 2023, 1300-1500. The XVIII ABN HROC team invites you to our FBNC "Workflow IPPS-A training. This class will take place over Microsoft Teams. This training event focuses on knowledge and proficiency on workflow implementation and management within IPPS-A. TTPs combined with lessons learned will aid on fortifying HR technical competencies to contribute to the overall goal of accurate personnel accountability. 12. Recently published DOD and Army Directives (AD) and All Army Activity (ALARACT) messages. New ALARACTs and ADs are also posted on APD at the following link.      a. ARMY DIRECTIVE 2023-02, DIRECT APPOINTMENT AND COMMISSION OF CERTAIN WARRANT OFFICERS, 6 FEB 23. This directive establishes policy for the direct appointment or commission of warrant officers not in rated aviation or special forces military occupation specialties (MOSs). To meet accession requirements for warrant officer branches, this directive expands opportunities for Soldiers to apply for direct appointment to warrant officer one (WO1) or direct commission to chief warrant officer two (CW2). Army Directives 2021-19 and 2021-31 prescribe direct accession and promotion eligibility for Soldiers in rated aviation or special forces MOSs. Effective immediately, Soldiers in other MOSs may be eligible for direct appointment to the grade of WO1 or direct commission to the grade of CW2. Selection for each source of accession will be made based on criteria established by the Deputy Chief of Staff (DCS), G-1 in coordination with the MOS proponent branch.      b. ALARACT 014/2023, IMPLEMENTING GUIDANCE FOR DIRECT APPOINTMENT AND DIRECT COMMISSION OF CERTAIN WARRANT OFFICERS, DTG: R 161700Z FEB 23. This message provides implementing guidance for direct appointment to WO1 and direct commission to CW2 for certain warrant officer military occupational specialties (MOSs). This guidance does not apply to warrant officer applicants for special forces or rated aviation. The Army faces critical operational shortages across the technical warrant officer community. These shortages impose significant impacts to Army readiness. Updated policy in accordance with Army Directive 2023-02 allows warrant officer proponents to identify qualified Soldiers for direct appointments to WO1 or direct commissioning to CW2. It further allows the Army to improve warrant officer accessions and advance the warrant officer throughput selection to employment.      c. ALARACT 015/2023, ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE FISCAL YEAR 2021 MAJOR GENERAL GREENE INNOVATION AWARD WINNERS, DTG: R 161938Z FEB 23. The review committee has completed the evaluation of the nominations for the MG Greene Innovation Award. The Commanding General, Army Futures Command (AFC) is pleased to announce the winners of the fiscal year 2021 MG Greene Innovation Award.      d. ALARACT 016/2023, FAMILY MEMBER TRAVEL SCREENING GUIDANCE FOR SUMMER 2023 ASSIGNMENT CYCLE, DTG: R 162024Z FEB 23. The purpose of this ALARACT is to provide guidance to Soldiers moving overseas (includes Alaska and Hawaii) during the 2023 summer assignment cycle.  All Soldiers moving overseas (includes Alaska and Hawaii) must initiate family member travel screening (FMTS) immediately upon receipt of overseas assignment instructions. FMTS ensures Soldiers do not permanent change of station (PCS) to locations that cannot meet the family member’s medical and educational needs. Following this guidance will decrease the likelihood of delayed orders. 13. Recently published Military Personnel (MILPER) messages and Military Pay E-Messages.  None. All MILPER messages are available on the HRC MILPER web page at All Military Pay E-Messages are available on milBook at 14. FORSCOM WIAS POSITIONS (UPDATED A/O 16 FEB 23). Hot openings listed at the following link.       a. JOPES PLANNER | WIESBADEN CLAY KS | O-4/5 | 90A | TS/SCI | ASAP | 365 DAYS.      b.  SIGNAL FMS CASE MANAGER| IRAQ | O-4 |25A | TS/SCI | ASAP | 365 DAYS. |         c.  ISR LNO | NIAMEY | O-2/3 |35D | TS/SCI | ASAP | 180 DAYS.         d.  AVN FMS CASE MANAGER| BAGHDAD | O-4 |15A | S | ASAP | 365 DAYS. |  15. ARNG/USAR POSITIONS/JOBS AVAILABLE.  S1NET members have posted the following RC position/job vacancy information.  For a listing of all USAR primary vacancies (updated weekly) visit Units/commands who wish to post vacancies on S1NET may do so by following the instructions posted on the front page of the Job Announcements topic at the following link. Those posts which are in the correct location and which are posted in accordance with the instructions provided will be included in a future S1NET Message Summary.      a. 301ST INFORMATION OPERATIONS BATTALION IS SEEKING E-6 TO O-5 AND WARRANT OFFICERS FOR DEPLOYMENTS TO GERMANY AND AFRICA.      b. 1ST BATTALION 389TH REGIMENT (BCT), TPU VACANCIES, VARIOUS LOCATIONS IN PUERTO RICO.      c. 878TH FEEDING COMPANY (300TH STB) TPU CO CDR/1SG VACANCIES SEAGOVILLE, TX.      d. 37TH IBCT, MOBILIZATION MULTIPLE VACANCIES, MULTIPLE LOCATIONS ISO OIR. 16.  CIVILIAN JOB ANNOUNCEMENTS. Units/organizations who wish to advertise GS positions, GS 12-15, may post them at the following link on S1NET.  Positions posted per the instructions provided will then be listed once in an S1NET message.      a. SUPERVISORY STAFF ADMINISTRATOR; GS-0301-12; SAINT LOUIS, MO.      b. SIERRA ARMY DEPOT, VACANT GS 0905 14, ATTORNEY ADVISOR, HERLONG, CA.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

S1NET Message Summary - 16 Feb 23


Soldiers from Company A, 3rd battalion, 297th Infantry Brigade, Alaska Army National Guard, gather around each other during a convoy briefing, Aug. 3, at Camp Victory, Iraq. U.S. Army photo by Spc. Mary Rose (RELEASED)

1. MOVEMENT OF DA PAMs 600-3, 600-25, 601-280, AND 611-21 FROM MILSUITE TO THE ARMY G-1 WEBSITE.  Due to some technical requirements, subject DA Pamphlets have been moved from milSuite to the Army G-1 website, and all are now accessible at the following link. 2. MESSAGE TO MEMBERS OF THE AG CORPS FROM CSM TAMIKA L. DEVEAUX, ADJUTANT GENERAL SCHOOL AND REGIMENTAL COMMAND SERGEANT MAJOR. 3. FEBRUARY 2023 ARMY ECHOES. Army Echoes is the Army’s official newsletter for Retired Soldiers and surviving spouses. This month’s featured articles include a message from the Chief of Staff of the Army, the Survivor Benefit Plan Open Season 2023, a discussion of which states tax military retired pay, Social Security considerations for Retired Soldiers, topics to cover in your final instructions, legal assistance for Retired Soldiers, and the American Battle Monuments Commission centennial. 4. (USAR) ARMY RESERVE 51C RECLASSIFICATION BOARD. The Army Acquisition (FA51) workforce is accepting reclassification packets for consideration into the career field for all USAR Sergeants and Staff Sergeants. Packets are currently being accepted until 17 March 2023 by 11:59:59 eastern standard time (EST). The board panel is scheduled from 1-2 April 2023. Visit the following link for qualifications and application procedures. 5. EXCEPTION TO POLICY – ARMY REGULATION 135-155, RESERVE COMPONENT WARRANT OFFICER PROMOTION MILITARY EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS, 13 FEB 23. From the Army G-1 DMPM: This Exception to Policy (ETP) to the Military Education (MILED) requirements for promotion selection boards found in reference AR 135-155 applies to Army Reserve warrant officers in an active status. Army National Guard warrant officer MILED policy is located in references k and l to this memo This ETP clarifies effective dates of new MILED requirements for warrant officers in AR 135-155, and clarifies requirements for certain AMEDD warrant officers. 6.  IPPS-A ITEMS.      a. INTERNAL CONTROL COMPLIANCE GUIDE VERSION 1. The Internal Control Compliance Guide (ICCG) is designed to assist users in understanding the Application Security, Internal Controls, and Audit functions in IPPS-A. The ICCG provides guidance for maintaining, monitoring, and reporting access control and segregation of duties. 7. BRANCH/COMMAND ITEMS.      a. 7TH ATC VACANCIES IN GRAFENWOEHR, GERMANY. The 7th Army Training Command is searching for USAR, IRR and ARNG Soldiers who can speak Ukrainian or Russian to assist the 7th ATC with critical training of U.S. partner nation's forces in Grafenwoehr, Germany. No DLAB score is required, but fluency is essential. These positions are rank and MOS immaterial and available now. Soldiers accepted into these positions will not conduct training but will translate for the partner nation. These positions are a 6+ month tour. Visit the following link for additional information, a listing of positions available (PFC through MAJ, MOS/AOC immaterial), and POC information.      b. WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE SIGNAL CORPS? Subscribe to the Signal Flow Newsletter!  Any personnel interested in getting up-to-date news, facts, creating a community of sharing and receiving professional and self-development from the Signal Corps, please “join” us at the following link. You will receive news related to Information Technology and Data, Updates /  Opportunities for Signal leaders, and moments in Signal Corps History. Pro Patria Vigilans!      c. FORT BRAGG HR UNIVERSITY " TPS/ DTAS" ON FEBRUARY 21, 2023. Hello HR professionals the XVIII ABN HROC team invites you to our FBNC TPS/ DTAS training. This training event focuses on increasing knowledge and proficiency on constructing manifests and gaining knowledge of personnel accountability while navigating TPS/ DTAS systems. 8. Recently published DOD and Army Directives (AD) and All Army Activity (ALARACT) messages. New ALARACTs and ADs are also posted on APD at the following link.      a. ALARACT 012/2023, UNITED STATES FORCES COMMAND (FORSCOM) LOGISTICS TRAINING CLUSTER (FLTC), DTG: R 151300Z FEB 23. This message informs commanders of training opportunities in support of water purification systems. FORSCOM and U.S. Army Reserve Command have established a unit level training facility at Fort Story, VA, integrating a Total Army Liquid Logistics Sustainment Readiness approach to include the Active Army, Army Reserve, Army National Guard, and other joint forces.      b. ALARACT 013/2023, UNITED STATES FORCES COMMAND (FORSCOM) PETROLEUM TRAINING MODULE (FPTM), DTG: R 151350Z FEB 23. This message informs commanders on training opportunities to support petroleum capabilities. U.S. Forces Command and U.S. Army Reserve Command have established a tactical bulk petroleum training facility at Fort Pickett, VA. The program integrates a total Army Liquid Logistics Sustainment Readiness approach to include the Regular Army, Army Reserve, Army National Guard (ARNG)/ARNG of the United States, and other joint forces. 9. Recently published Military Personnel (MILPER) messages and Military Pay E-Messages.  All MILPER messages are available on the HRC MILPER web page at All Military Pay E-Messages are available on milBook at      a. MILPER MESSAGE 23-059, AMENDMENT 1 FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2023 MEDICAL SERVICE (MS) CORPS BRANCH FLIGHT TRAINING SELECTION PANEL, ISSUED: [2/15/2023 9:36:06 AM]. See the message for changes.      b. MILPER MESSAGE 23-060, ENLISTED SERVICE REMAINING REQUIREMENTS (SRR) FOR ADDITIONAL SKILL IDENTIFIER (ASI) E-6 (CYBER OPERATOR) TRAINING AND SPECIALIZED COURSES FOR QUALIFICATION AND CERTIFICATION IN USCYBERCOM WORK ROLES, ISSUED: [2/15/2023 3:20:14 PM]. Enlisted Soldiers attending training associated with Additional Skill Identifier (ASI) E-6 (Cyber Operator) under the Future Operator Readiness, Growth, and Enrichment Program, will incur a 36-month service remaining obligation upon completion of training. Enlisted Soldiers attending specialized courses to prepare them for qualification and certification in USCYBERCOM work roles or service advanced cyberspace operations work roles, will incur a service remaining obligation at a ratio of 3:1 upon completion of training. 10. S1NET MEMBER/UNIT CONTRIBUTIONS. The following unit/individually developed products or information have been contributed to S1NET for the use and benefit of all members/units. These products have not been reviewed nor sanctioned by TRADOC or the AG School, and may be specific to the unit/component/location.      a. IPPS-A HOW-TO TRAINING GUIDE VER 2. A handy guide of screen shots covering areas ranging from self-service, PCS elections, absence requests, PARs, CRM cases, to voluntary retirements.  Contributed by SSG Marcus Wheeler. 11. FORSCOM WIAS POSITIONS (UPDATED A/O 10 FEB 23). Hot openings listed at the following link.       a. JOPES PLANNER | WIESBADEN CLAY KS | O-4/5 | 90A | TS/SCI | ASAP | 365 DAYS.      b.  J6 DEPUTY DIRECTOR | STUTTGART | O-3 |25A | TS | ASAP | 365 DAYS.         c.  ISR LNO | NIAMEY | O-2/3 |35D | TS/SCI | ASAP | 180 DAYS.         d.  AVN FMS CASE MANAGER| BAGHDAD | O-4 |15A | S | ASAP | 365 DAYS. |  12. ARNG/USAR POSITIONS/JOBS AVAILABLE.  S1NET members have posted the following RC position/job vacancy information.  For a listing of all USAR primary vacancies (updated weekly) visit Units/commands who wish to post vacancies on S1NET may do so by following the instructions posted on the front page of the Job Announcements topic at the following link. Those posts which are in the correct location and which are posted in accordance with the instructions provided will be included in a future S1NET Message Summary.      a. ADOS, FORT KNOX MEDDAC, MFGI SITE LNO, CPT OR ABOVE/70B OR 70H, OFFICER, FORT KNOX, KY.      b. OFFICE OF COMPLEX INVESTIGATIONS, NATIONAL GUARD BUREAU, MULTIPLE ADOS-RC POSITIONS, ADMINISTRATIVE INVESTIGATORS, JOINT BASE ANDREWS, MD CPT/MAJ - 01A & SFC/MSG - 00F.      c. 91ST TRAINING DIVISION, TPU, PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFICER (MAJ/O-4) / NCOIC (SFC/E-7) VACANCIES, FORT HUNTER LIGGETT AND CAMP PARKS, CA.      d. MDARNG, HQ, 58TH EXPEDITIONARY MI BRIGADE (EMIB), BRIGADE COMMANDER, COL/O6 OR PROMOTABLE LTC/O5, TOWSON, MD.      e. 304TH CIVIL AFFAIRS BRIGADE, TPU, W420A, HR TECHNICIAN VACANCY, BRISTOL, PA.      f. 2ND CAVALRY REGIMENT (SBCT) ADOS CYBER VACANCIES IN GERMANY.      g. SPECIAL OPERATIONS COMMAND (SOCCENT), 4-COADOS POSITIONS, (920A, 42A, 25A, 01A-INFO OPS), MACDILL AFB, FL & AL UDEID AB, QATAR.      h. TPU POSITION VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT, 321ST EXPEDITIONARY MILITARY INTELLIGENCE BATTALION (GS), ORLANDO, FL.

S1NET Message Summary - 14 Feb 23


U.S. Army soldier from the 19th Special Troop Company (Airborne), Utah Army National Guard, Draper, Utah, conduct a static airborne operation over the drop zone, Global One, Fairfield, Utah, March 15, 2012. The troops parachuted from a C-130 Hercules, 187th Airlift Squadron an active-duty associate unit to the Air National Guard, Cheyenne, Wyo.

1. THE HRC - G1/S1 TOUCHPOINT, 8 FEB 23.  The HRC - G1/S1 touchpoint was initiated to provide a platform for G1/S1’s to directly communicate with Human Resources Command (HRC) professionals and the Functional Management Division IPPS-A team (FMD). This forum facilitates the opportunity for G1/S1's to gain shared understanding of concerns and provide feedback on issues/trends experienced since the launch of IPPS-A Go-Live. Additionally, this touchpoint allows HRC and FMD to provide the field with updates on the way ahead ISO the Army’s transition to IPPS-A. The video and slides for the 8 Feb session are provided at the following link. 2. HRC MASTER WORKFLOW TEMPLATE - USER-DEFINED LIST (UDL), A/O 10 FEB 23. Changes have been made to the list as of 10 FEB 23, with a summary of those changes provided at the following link. 3. (CAREER COUNSELORS) INTEGRATED PERSONNEL AND PAY SYSTEM - ARMY (IPPS-A) TRAINING & GUIDANCE. From Army G-1 Retention: Army Regulation/Department of the Army Pamphlet 601-280 requires all retention support personnel (Career Counselors, full-time Retention NCOs, and Civilians serving in retention support positions) to have access to HR Personnel Systems to conduct daily retention functions. As the Army transitions from legacy HR systems to IPPS-A, it is vital that all retention support personnel have access to IPPS-A to provide maximum support to our Soldiers. Unit Career Counselors will be required to have several different Subcategories in order to be able to access all of the required data they need. Visit the following link for training and access requirements. 4. IPPS-A QUESTIONS. (Please assist if you can.)      a. SOLDIER COMPLETELY LOST!! So I recently received a captain to my unit as a TPU from active duty. When he left active duty and joined the USAR it was during the "brown out period". He cannot be found at all in any system to include DEERS. I tried looking him up on IPERMS and the last loaded documents were from 2012. Cannot find him in IPPSA or CSMM. What steps should I take in this situation? Thank you for your help in advance! 5. BRANCH/COMMAND ITEMS.      a. FORT BRAGG HR UNIVERSITY " STRENGTH TIPS IN IPPS-A" ON FEBRUARY 22, 2023. It is time for the Fort Bragg North Carolina’s next HRU. This month’s class will take place on Microsoft Teams. This training event focuses on increasing knowledge and proficiency on strength management tips within IPPS-A and navigating around counting errors. Our team will be hosting morning and afternoon sessions. The HRU events will be held 22 February 2023 @ 1000-1200 and 1300-1500.      b.  63D READINESS DIVISION PRE-RETIREMENT BRIEFINGS, 1ST & 2ND QTR, FY23. 6. Recently published DOD and Army Directives (AD) and All Army Activity (ALARACT) messages. None. New ALARACTs and ADs are also posted on APD at the following link. 7. Recently published Military Personnel (MILPER) messages and Military Pay E-Messages.  All MILPER messages are available on the HRC MILPER web page at All Military Pay E-Messages are available on milBook at      a. MILPER MESSAGE 23-056, AMENDMENT TO THE FISCAL YEAR 2023 (FY23) ACTIVE COMPONENT (AC), CAPTAIN (CPT), ARMY COMPETITIVE CATEGORY (ACC), FULLY QUALIFIED CERTIFICATION PROCESS (FQC) ZONES OF CONSIDERATION, ISSUED: [2/12/2023 3:58:01 PM]. Paragraph 5. is amended to add the following: Legacy Record Briefs will be utilized for this board with data fed from IPPS-A. Due to the brown out of legacy systems, many can no longer update Record Briefs through historical means. Officers may view a copy of the Record Brief by checking their board files.      b. MILPER MESSAGE 23-057, FY2023 IPPS-A POST GO LIVE ARMY WIDE PERSONNEL ASSET INVENTORY (PAI), ISSUED: [2/13/2023 11:15:22 AM]. The IPPS-A Go Live Validation PAI will be conducted between 15 March and 30 April 2023. For the purpose of this PAI, a unit is any Detachment, Company, Battalion, U.S. Army Element Agency, team, group, activity, individual or similar organization assigned a unique UIC. The window for units to conduct the Post Go Live PAI will open NET 1 March and must be complete NLT 30 April 2023.      c. MILPER MESSAGE 23-058, JOINT MERITORIOUS UNIT AWARD (JMUA) TO OFFICE OF SECURITY COOPERATION-IRAQ, ISSUED: [2/13/2023 1:34:49 PM]. This message announces that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has awarded the Joint Meritorious Unit Award (JMUA) to the Office of Security Cooperation-Iraq, for exceptionally meritorious service during the period 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022. This award is for the Headquarters only. Service units and individuals assigned to Service units in support of these organizations are not eligible for this award. 8. FORSCOM WIAS POSITIONS (UPDATED A/O 10 FEB 23). Hot openings listed at the following link.       a. JOPES PLANNER | WIESBADEN CLAY KS | O-4/5 | 90A | TS/SCI | ASAP | 365 DAYS.      b.  J6 DEPUTY DIRECTOR | STUTTGART | O-3 |25A | TS | ASAP | 365 DAYS.         c.  ISR LNO | NIAMEY | O-2/3 |35D | TS/SCI | ASAP | 180 DAYS.         d.  AVN FMS CASE MANAGER| BAGHDAD | O-4 |15A | S | ASAP | 365 DAYS. |  9. ARNG/USAR POSITIONS/JOBS AVAILABLE.  S1NET members have posted the following RC position/job vacancy information.  For a listing of all USAR primary vacancies (updated weekly) visit Units/commands who wish to post vacancies on S1NET may do so by following the instructions posted on the front page of the Job Announcements topic at the following link. Those posts which are in the correct location and which are posted in accordance with the instructions provided will be included in a future S1NET Message Summary.      a. 412TH TEC- HHC COMMANDER VACANCY- TPU- MAJ/01A, VICKSBURG, MS.      b. USAR DRILL SERGEANT BN (3-330TH), TPU, 01A, O1-O3 VACANCIES IN MI, IL, IN.      c. 1-158TH ASSAULT HELICOPTER BN, TPU FIRST SERGEANT VACANCIES, SPRING, TX.      d. USAR PAO (46S), VACANCIES, VARIOUS LOCATIONS.      e. ANNOUNCEMENT OF INFORMATION OPERATIONS (FA30) OFFICER VACANCIES FOR 303D INFORMATION OPERATIONS BATTALION, CAMP PARKS, CA.