Army National Guard AGR Jobs

Do you need a job? Why not work for the National Guard? Go check out the list of AGR available for your state.

Texas Army National Guard AGR Jobs

Are you a member of the Texas Army National Guard? "Texas AGR jobs" are the most searched AGR jobs on Google. Check them out now!

Florida Army National Guard AGR Jobs

Are you a member of the Florida Army National Guard? "Florida AGR jobs" are the second most searched AGR jobs on Google. Check them out now!

California Army National Guard AGR Jobs

Are you a member of the California Army National Guard? "California AGR jobs" are the third most searched AGR jobs on Google. Check them out now!

Sunday, August 25, 2024

AGR JR Enlisted Promotions


I have an AGR Soldier who has been on the PPRL since Nov 2022 but didn't make cutoff scores until recently. The Soldier made points for June and July cutoff but was not promoted. Soldier has no flags nor no adverse actions. I was not able to see the recent list that was apparently shorten by several pages so not sure if she was on there. If anyone has any knowledge or suggestion if would be greatly appreciated. My only other option is to reach out to my brigade CSM since we are at that level. 



Was the Soldier on the by name list for promotions?  Sounds like there might be something wrong with the Soldiers record that would make them ineligible.  I'd recommend a CRM case to Promotions Branch so they can check the file.

Civil Affairs 2025 call for DMOR/ HMOR Nominations

The Civil Affairs Corps requests nominations for the 2025 Distinguished and Honorary Members of the Regiment. Please submit all nominations NLT 01 October 2025.


United States Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School (USAJFKSWCS) Regimental Honors, Awards, and Affiliation Program (RHAA):

Established by USAJFKSWCS Policy 01-20, this award program is intended to recognize those individuals who have significantly contributed to the welfare and advancement of the Civil Affairs (CA), and the Psychological Operations (PO), and Special Forces (SF) Regiments. This program serves as a link between current serving members of these Regiments and those who have separated from active or reserve service and continue to advance the interests of their respective Regiments. These recognized individuals serve as role models, advocates, and public examples to all members of the Regiments. Through their example, they enhance unit morale, cohesion, esprit de corps, promote a warfighting ethos, and demonstrate an unwavering sense of pride and selfless service for today’s CA, PO, and SF Soldiers



Distinguished Member of the Regiment (DMOR):

  1. A DMOR nominee must be a qualified member of the CA Corps; may be any Army, Army Reserve or National Guard retired or separated Soldier who has graduated the CA qualification requirements to include:
    1. qualification courses, functional area, or branch / MOS producing courses or recognized predecessor qualification training and served honorably within the CA Corps.
  2. Be an individual who has rendered significant service, both during and after their military career. They have provided significant long-lasting positive contributions above and beyond that of their peers for the professionalism, promotion, welfare, and advancement of the CA Corps.
    1. Length of service within a Regiment, assignment to key leadership positions, or upward progression in rank or assignments does not solely justify nomination eligibility or equate to significant service or contributions.
    2. Service or contributions during assignments must be considered above and beyond the primary roles and responsibilities of the duty assignment.
  3. DMOR Nominee must have been retired or separated from service for a minimum of four (4) years prior to being nominated, to allow them the opportunity to provide continued service and advocacy to/ for the CA Corps after their separation from service.
  4. DMOR Nominee must have demonstrated the highest standards of integrity, moral character, an outstanding degree of professional competence, an unblemished career and be in good standing with the CA Corps, the Service, and Community.
  5. Qualified Medal of Honor recipients are automatically recognized and inducted as DMORs.

Honorary Member of the Regiment (HMOR):

  1. An HMOR nominee is a non-qualified member of the CA Corps (ineligible for DMOR).
  2. An individual who has made significant contributions, provided enduring service and support to the CA Corps.
  3. Active Army, United States Army Reserve, National Guard, currently serving, retired, or separated Soldiers, and civilians may be recognized.
  4. An individual must be in good standing within the CA Corps, the Service, and Community

Posthumous awards for the DMOR and HMOR are permissible. In the event of posthumous recognition, surviving next of kin will be invited to participate in an induction ceremony.

DMOR and HMOR tenures are indefinite.



  1. Nomination Cover page; contact information for both the nominator and nominee or next of kin for posthumous nominations (mailing address, phone number and email address).
  2. Nomination Letter: no longer than 3 pages - the nomination letter should be clear and concise highlighting the nominee's significant contributions to the Civil Affairs Corps, operationally or within the generating force, and continued service to the Regiment and community, post-retirement, or separation.
  3. Biography: no longer than 2 pages - encompassing military career highlights, honors, awards, and decorations. This is a separate document from the Nomination Letter. Adjust information for HMOR.
  4. Ceremony Presentation Narrative - a statement highlighting why the nominee is being inducted as a DMOR or HMOR it should be limited to 350 - 500 words and will be read during the annual induction ceremony.
  5. Professional Color Photo (optional); additional photos will be provided upon request, when nomination is approved.



IPPS-A Release 3.152.0 Notes

Deployment medical records


Is there a way to see what medical records are entered into the "deployed" system?  I am in Europe and my appointments as well as any information about previous appointments are not available in MHS Genesis.

Just wondering if anyone has a work around. 



Have you contacted the Patient Administrator (PAD) at your nearest MTF? Although records that aren't created in Genesis aren't usually added in, they should still be available to your providers through the legacy electronic health record system. You have a right to request copies of some or all of your medical records through PAD.

Army Women's Initiatives Team (WIT) Application Portal is Now Open - S: 15 Sep '24

The Army WIT brings together representatives from across Total Army to advocate for policy, program and resource changes to address women's recruitment, retention, readiness, health, well-being, empowerment, and advancement in the Army.

Everyone is invited to apply - Army Soldiers and Civilians (E1-E9, WO1-CW5, O1-O10, GS1-SES3 / Male and Female / all components)

What: Documents needed for a successful application include:

  • Officer/enlisted record brief for Soldiers or a one-page biography for civilians (required)
  • Letter of Endorsement acknowledging that Women's Initiative Team (WIT) membership constitutes official duties and that members will be expected to attend meetings and briefings during business hours (required)
  • Statement of Interest (optional)

When: 15 Aug 24 - 15 Sep 24

Where: Submit applications via the following weblink:

MILPER 24-350 Amendment to MILPER 24-329, 12 Aug 24, Subject: Fiscal Year 2025, Lieutenant Colonel, Army Nurse Corps (AN), Medical Service Corps (MS), Army Medical Specialist Corps (SP), and Veterinary Corps (VC), Army Medical Department (AMEDD) Promotion

BLUF: Paragraph 2d (2) is changed to read “pursuant to AR 600-8-29, paragraph 2-7e (1), officers with an approved retirement or separation date from the ADL within 90 days of the convene date (15 Jan 25) are not eligible for consideration by this selection board. Officers with an approved retirement or separation date after 15 Jan 25 will have a statement of approved retirement or separation placed in their board file prior to the board, pursuant to DA Memo 600-2, paragraph 7.


MILPER 24-350 Amendment to MILPER 24-329_FY24 AC LTC AMEDD PSB.pdf

Paramedic ASI


One of my medics completed the paramedic course (and passed certification) while at Bragg/Liberty. The installation has a bridge program with the local community college for 68Ws. He has since PCS'd to Italy where he is trying to get his ASI for the certification. Our BN S1 is telling him that he cannot get the ASI added without it reflecting on his ATRRS transcripts. The course was not a formal military course and the S1 will not submit it forward although my Soldier provided all other required documents. Can someone please shine some light on how to get my Soldier the ASI/credit deserved for his work?

Answer 1

There is no requirement for them to attend an Army course (ATRRS); the requirement is to have successfully passed the Nationally Registered Paramedic (NRP) certification in accordance with the National Registry of EMTs. Soldiers who meet those criteria, submit ASI 3P requests to Chief, Enlisted Division, AMEDD Personnel Proponent Directorate, 2377 Greeley Road, STE A, Joint Base San Antonio, Texas 78234-7584. I don't know if this is in IPPS-A because the first one I submitted was still on a DA 4187. 


Answer 2

From MILPER 22-350 Establishment of Additional Skill Identifier (ASI) 3P (Nationally Registered Paramedic)

 PARA 4: The effective date for establishing ASI 3P (Nationally Registered Paramedic) is 1 October 2022, one year prior to the Table of Distribution and Allowances (TDA) update.  The only unit authorized to utilize ASI 3P (Nationally Registered Paramedic) is the U.S. Army Medical Center of Excellence (MEDCoE) until further analysis is conducted to determine the need for this capability in other units across operating and generating forces.  The initial reclassification of Regular Army and Reserve personnel impacted by this message will be processed by U.S. Army Human Resources Command (HRC) and accomplished 1 - 30 September 2022.  All 68Ws not included in the initial reclassification process can submit a request for an ASI evaluation to the respective POC listed below.  National Guard personnel can submit a request for an ASI evaluation to the POC listed below.

IPPS-A Release 3.151.1 Notes

JST Transcripts/College hours not reflecting on PPW


I am having issues with JST and/or college hours not reflecting on a soldiers PPW even months after it's been updated to the SM's profile. Is there a specific section under "Education" in the profile management tab that I have to do?



iPERMS has nothing to do with the STP or having the semester hrs updated on the PPW.  The civ education semester hrs has to be added in IPPS-A by the S1 under Soldier's Person Profile, Education tab - CIV-Degrees.  Under Degree do not choose "No degree" choose the degree the Soldier is working on getting. Ensure the Credit Hours Type, Credit Hours, & Graduated are all updated.  This is the only field that will update the PPW with the promotion points.

We have a step by guide for the S1/G1s on updating every field in IPPS-A that affects the Soldier's Promotion Points on the PPW. It is in the S1 net Enlisted Promotions G1-S1 Training Slides as of 6 June 2024

Guidance on wearing Hospital Scrubs outside of the Facility


Does anyone know if there is official guidance on wearing hospital scrubs to conducting business like in-processing the unit at HR (HR is not located in the hospital)? Or any guidance or regulation that cover duty uniform for in-processing or conducting other HR activities outside of the hospital?

Just trying to see if anything exist. Not trying to change any policies or fight any wars.


That would be local command policy.


-NG or USAR Aviation Officer- KD complete, ILE/CGSC Graduate, Recent Combat Brigade Experience, Experience at Echelons above Brigade, I.E HQDA, NGB working in an Aviation capacity.

-Staff Position. Advise the USAREUR-AF G3 Aviation Director on current and future aviation operations. Supervise the planning and coordination of Army fixed wing and rotary wing operational support through the USAREUR-AF G3 Aviation office. Coordinate with the offices of USAREUR-AF Aviation Safety and Standardization, Centralized Aviation Scheduling Office (CASO), and Army Flight Operations Detachment (AFOD) in order to synchronize solutions to complex USAREUR-AF aviation centric challenges. Conduct interagency and international coordination to facilitate successful execution of military operations and training throughout Europe. This is an unaccompanied PCS tour without HHG or POV shipment. A valid Government Travel Credit Card (GTCC) is required for this tour. ADOS Information Guide: Download and read the ADOS Information Guide. It is recommended you print this guide and have as a reference during your tour. You can access the guide from the USAREUR Website at: Click on Community Jobs, Interns ADOS click here for the US Army Europe ADOS Information Guide

Please go to: Mobcop Suite (


Position ID 365438

Supporting Command USAREUR EDI

Request Type ADOS-AC

Detail Type OPADOS G3

Soldier Category ARNG,USAR,IMA,IRR

Friday, August 23, 2024

MILPER 23-520 (FY24) Call to Active Duty (CAD) for Selected Army Reserve Component Officers

Please be advised that there is a slight chance the MILPER number may change once the HRC webpage is fully functional again.


MILPER 23-520 Call to Active Duty (CAD) for Selected Army Reserve Component Officers.pdf

Finding Old Documents


I served in the Louisiana Army National Guard from 1991-1993.  I was released from the Guard to go into Active Army.  I served in Active Army 1993-1995.

My question is, How/Where do I find the NGB-22 from 1993 and the DD-214 from 1995?


Answer 1

You can try your IPERMS to see if they are located there. The national archives should have a copy of your records. The Louisiana Army National Guard might have a copy of the NGB 22 if you reach out to them.


Question 2

I checked IPERMS, but no luck.   I found a G1 link for the Louisiana Army National Guard, and sent an email.  I also emailed the Soldier Record Branch at HRC.  Was just hoping someone had a method I had not thought of.

I will try to email the National Archives as well.

Submitted requests to National Archives for the DD 214 and NG 22.  How long does it take on average (ball park)?


Answer 2

It can be as fast as a couple of weeks; it can be as slow as several months. It depends if the records have been digitized and if they are in the "true" custody of the National Archives or not.

Although the National Archives processes all the requests, some of the records may be in the custody of the Army--even though they're all in the same building--and so they have to coordinate with the record custodians to get the forms pulled. And they may have to contact your state Adjutant General if the records haven't been retired yet, as well.

Locations of Service Records | National Archives

They also have a telephone number and online form you can fill out to check the status of your request--but give them a few days to work it, first:

Military Personnel Records | National Archives



Has anybody had issues with awards orders in IPPS-A the actual award is wrong.  I just had 2 today, put in for MSM's, downgraded to ARCOM's and when final approval went through, and I printed the orders it still says recommended award MSM, and actual award is MSM which isn't correct.


Answer 1

Can you check the following:


1. What does the processed award PAR states in the "APPROVED AWARD" section? (see sample below)

2. In the approval chain, did the "inserted approver' approved "Downgrade ARCOM"? (see sample below)


Answer 2

This is actually a super common issue. In my experience, some Commanders (and admin personnel) are not paying enough attention to detail on the IPPSA awards. I've seen a CPT approve (erroneously) an ARCOM.

While one Commander may recommend a downgrade, it is up to the final approver to make that determination. If the final approver actually meant to downgrade the award (but it was approved at the higher level), it would have to be revoked and resubmitted (I think, if I'm wrong please educate me). I've seen multiple iterations of the same award go through this process. If an admin professional is able to sit with the Commander to assist with any questions/concerns, that might be the best way to resolve until the Commander is more familiar.

Promotion Points Worksheet Zeroed Out?


I have a handful of Soldiers that have zeroes in all categories of their PPW. All of their information is logged in their IPPS-A profile, but nothing reflects on their PPW.

Is this only resolvable though CRM ticket?

Can someone show me how to correctly route the CRM ticket?


Answer 1

SPC/CPL/SGT's are the only ones that will get PPW points, when they're eligible for promotion (so not right after promotion to SGT for instance). SSG's and above will not have a PPW.

What would be the point of SSGs and above having a PPW.


Answer 2

In IPPS-A, what we are seeing are generated promotion points for SPC/CPL/SGT.

While this is the case, the IPPS-A User Manual states that E1 through E5 can review and validate their promotion points. (See image below)

I think it would be more accurate if the IPPS-A User Manual were to state, "E4 - E5" rather than "E1 - E5".

I've heard that the E1 - E3 population can review their points/PPW's. If true, I think this is good functionality for them to be future planning for cutoffs and boards and such.


Answer 3

We are catching now, 2 for today, of our Soldiers making the promotion list and when we check the PPW their points have jumped 200+

I'm a bit confused by this. If I recall correctly (I really am not wanting to go reg diving right now), their points would only update if their profile was updated. For a jump of 200+ points, we're looking at maybe civilian education, BLC or ALC completion (for SGT and SSG respectively), some really high marks on military training, years of awards being updated, or some mix of all of these. I'd be really interested in seeing a before and after PPW. My best guess would be the soldier noticed items missing from their profile and got their admin to update it. It's amazing how many points you can get with a properly updated record.

Clarification on PPOM 22-026a and AR 600-8-19 para 1-17g


Scenario: E7 takes voluntary reduction to enter AGR as E6 Supply NCO, but must reduce to E5 as SM does not hold 92Y MOS.  Upon completion of MOSQ SM receives AGR new hire promotion to E6.  Does the SM receive adjusted GED for E6 as that is the grade of the position that he was accepted into the AGR program to serve as?



Up front, the Soldier does not receive an adjusted GED for E6.  The grade of the position they accepted is irrelevant, as they accepted the lower grade based on their MOS qualification.


While AR 600-8-19, Para 1-17g is somewhat unclear, please refer to Para 7-18b which states: 

b. Acceptance of T10/T32 AGR position in a lower grade. The adjusted GED is only authorized on the initial demotion to enter the AGR program.


PPOM 22-026a, Para 10 states:

Entering the AGR Program. The adjusted Grade Entry Date (GED), formerly known as DOR, is only authorized for the grade accepted when initially entering the AGR program if the Soldier lacks the required MOS qualification. Adjusting GED for additional grade demotion is not authorized; (i.e., an E7 who accepts an E5 AGR position, their GED will be adjusted for E5 but will not be adjusted again at E6 to account for pre-AGR time served in that grade).


PPOM 22-026a intentionally spells out the scenario to clarify and meet the intent of the language of AR 600-8-19 Para 1-17 and Para 7-18b. It also considers RFIs between ARNG and HQDA to clarify the language, which always results in the same answer - there is only one GED adjustment authorized

T10 AGR warrant officer career map


There was recently a G3/5/7 professional development session that included an enlisted career map (see below). Does a similar product exist for G3 WOs? Looking to explore future opportunities but doing my homework first to what assignments would look like. 

Answer 1

DA Pam 600-3 has career maps for officers and warrant officers.

U.S. Army G-1 | Personnel


Answer 2

A career map for T10 WOs to G3/5/7 has not been developed, due to a very limited number of WO positions in that area. Additionally, those positions are filled with personnel who have applied and were hired for a One Time Occasional Tour (OTOT).

For career mapping, DA Pam 600-3 speaks to ATAP (it does not open for me, looks like only officers have access at this time) and ACT (where you could build a notional career path based on a WO specialty/field). 

Where to source documents for Involuntary Separation?


I have been assigned to assist with some involuntary Separation packets. I am an MDAY 42A SGT who has only had access to IPSS-A and iPerms. The packet involves documentation I have never even heard of in my life. Where am I able to source all of these documents from?

  • Conditional Waiver
  • DA 4856's (Not in iPerms)
  • IMR
  • EXORD 240-18
  • State Drug Testing Coordinator Memorandum
  • Department of Defense Cutoff Levels
  • DD 2624 (Drug Specimen)
  • DA 5018-R

I was told to pull all the documents that I can, I am pretty sure at my level as an E5 I cannot directly access any of these. Am I going to have to make a lot of phone calls and emails? 

Thank you in advance.


These are all documents that are relatively easy to find, but you need to know where to look within your State (assuming you are NG, with the use of MDAY descriptor and State Drug Testing Coordinator).

  • Conditional Waiver - Examples can be found in AR 135-178; use Army Publishing Directorate (APD) to find Regulations and other pubs/forms.
  • DA 4856's (Not in iPerms) - Individual File - ask the SM's NCO Support Channel / Chain of Command - these items do not get placed in iPERMS
  • EXORD 240-18 - Can be found on HQDA-G357 Operations, Readiness and Mobilization - (ODO) HQDA EXORDS - All Documents (, but you may need to request access
  • State Drug Testing Coordinator Memorandum - Does your State have a website?  Most do... and have a repository of State specific guidance. 
  • Department of Defense Cutoff Levels - The State Drug Testing Coordinator would be able to provide this.
  • DD 2624 (Drug Specimen) - The State Drug Testing Coordinator would be able to provide this to the Commander.
  • DA 5018-R - Also found on APD. If they are looking for an individual's actual form, the State Drug Testing Coordinator can advise on releasability of that document.

Recommend you find a mentor at your unit (Readiness NCOs are amazing sources of info) or the higher unit S1 if you are at the Company level.

By the way, it's common for 42 series personnel to need "to make a lot of phone calls and emails". Sort of comes with the territory of helping Soldiers and Leaders with HR functions of your MOS.

Broadening Opportunities Program Catalog


Does anyone have the ARNG Broadening Opportunities Program (BOP) catalog for FY 25?


Here you go

FY 25 BOP Catalog (Approved_31 May 24).pdf

Transfer of Leave


Is it possible for a Soldier (TDG) in the National Guard that wants to transfer/donate their leave to another servicemember.  


Currently, military leave is non-transferable; you cannot donate unused leave to another service member. That program only exists within the Federal Civilian Service since we earn sick leave in addition to annual leave. Under the federal program, civilian personnel can donate their sick leave only, not annual leave. Sick leave doesn't exist in the military, you either get quarters or are placed on convalescent leave as long as necessary to recover.

Does anyone have a status on FEDREC Scroll PL08-22?


Does anyone have a status on FEDREC Scroll PL08-22?

I am looking to see if anyone has current FedRec Scroll statuses and maybe an estimated timeline. Commander is asking often and not much coming from J-1 side.


Answer 1

NGB usually posts a weekly scroll status update on their page here: ARNG Fed Rec & Special Actions (HRP-R)

You can ask for membership.  Or, you can post your question at ARNG Personnel Policy Division (ARNG-HRH)

Scroll down to the Recent Activity section and you should see a post from Crystal Baxter with current scroll statuses. They usually post Monday afternoon. 

Answer 2

As of 6 May 22 - latest shared by FedRec - PL08-22 has been scrolling for 25 days, and is with the SecArmy. I would recommend going through your Bde S-1 and State G-1; they receive these updates directly from NGB.


Answer 3

I don't know why the scroll status is so close hold. If it is published every Monday, why can't the entire formation logon to a website (HRC) and see the status. The road blocks and requests through several echelons of bureaucratic email chains make us (the S1s) look like we don't know what we're doing when we try to answer the simple question of "do you know where my packet is at in the Fed Rec process". There is little transparency in the process, which frustrates the Soldiers. The Soldiers then assume the blame should fall on the Company/Battalion/Brigade/State Admin.

I've come to understand that most officers rely on generic updates on a long-running RallyPoint thread(Where is my Scroll in the FEDREC process? | RallyPoint) to get even semi-regular updates on their scroll. Most ARNG Divisions and their branches have a GKN page up and running as they continue to develop them. This strikes me as a great way to alleviate 90% of officer promotion FEDREC questions and add a degree of transparency. It's not going to remove all of the frustration with the overall process, but could be posted there instead of in a closed group with a disclaimer that any questions be directed to their corresponding G1/State OPM.

You make a really good point. It's really not much to ask to have transparency into how this process works and where we are in it. We all have a right to know and so does the public we serve.

Answer 4

did you get an update? I've been pushing my packet through NGB and just saw published status on my packet this morning. Hope you see some good news as well, if nothing else it's progress right?

How do you determine precedence for a new state award?


How do you determine precedence for a new state award?

We created a new state Military Funeral Honors Ribbon and I cannot find how to determine it's precedence.

I am at G1 and supposed to determine the precedence of our new award.

Answer 1

Sounds ultimately like a State Adjutant General query using your State's Chain of Command, as appropriate.

Answer 2

Para 22-4, AR 670-1 provides the order of precedence by category of medal, and lists State awards for ARNG Soldiers as last precedence.  If you only have one State award, then it's easy.  If you have more than one, my guess is the precedence would be in order of when they were awarded by date, but that is just a guess.  I would agree with Mr. Reichner that, for precedence within the State or ARNG, that you would need to contact your state.

Answer 3

If the State created the award, they will decide precedence. Contact your State G1's office. They will be able to provide you the information you need.

Answer 4

If you are talking about how, in general, DoD determines the precedence for service ribbons, which this sounds like, in the order in which they are created. So, for example, the Army Service Ribbon comes before the Army Overseas service Ribbon because it was created first. And the Afghanistan Campaign Medal comes before the Iraq Campaign Medal because the fighting in Afghanistan started there first.

That's the simplest way to handle it. And it's easy. Last created award goes on the bottom.

Now, the other way to approach it is to look at the current service ribbons, determine how important Funeral Service details are compared to the other state service awards you already have, and place it in relative order based on where you think it falls out, to send a message to the Soldiers and Airmen of the Wisconsin National Guard on the relative value of serving on funeral details. Is it more or less important than the WI National Guard recruiting ribbon, or the Emergency Service Ribbon? That's a decision that the WI Guard's senior leadership would have to make, based on the requirements of each individual award.

But in the end, it's the State Adjutant General who has the final say.

Wisconsin National Guard Military Ribbons (

What form would a MAJ submit to get reimbursement for his online ILE?


What form would a MAJ submit to get reimbursement for his online ILE?

He didn't pay for the school, but someone said he could get reimbursement for the course. He has 1059 in iPerms. He did his ILE online. 

Answer 1

It looks like you are in the NG.  I know in the USAR, they have a program called electronic based distance learning (EBDL) that determines how many hours a course is worth and upon completion Soldiers are paid for every 8 hours on a DA Form 1380.  I do not know if the NG has a similar program.  I would ask your S-3 chain if they have something similar tp that program.


Answer 2

for the State of MN, SMs only get retirement points for DL. 


Answer 3



NGB 22 and "as a Reserve of" RFI


I am in charge of creating NGB 22s and am working on a cheat sheet to identify when "and as a Reserve of the Army" needs to be filled in vs "and as a Reserve of the N/A".  Does anyone have a tool they use that delineates this based on the type of discharge?  I have read over the instructions in Appendix F and my understanding is vague.

The header is "Report of Separation and Record of Service in the ___________ (Select Army or Air Force) National Guard of __________ (state) and as a Reserve of the (Army or N/A, this is different for the Air Guard"

Answer 1

Not an expert on this, but wouldn't the two options be Reserve of the Army and Reserve of the Air Force, since the National Guard includes both?


Answer 2

It is good you are looking at NGR 600-200 Appendix F. Basically, you choose "Reserve of the N/A" when the Soldier is being transferred to the Army Reserve, and you choose "Reserve of the Army" when they are being separated from both the State and their Reserve of the Army status. Any Soldier who does not have their Reserve of the Army status removed, becomes a member of the USAR upon discharge from their State. It is up to you and your office to determine what is being removed and who is required to continue service in the USAR.


Answer 3

If the member is being discharged to civil life (not being transferred to the USAR for completion of statutory or contractual obligations), or is enlisting in Regular Service,  then enter "Army". 

[Yes, it could be clearer.]


Has there ever been a Voluntary Inactive Duty Training Guidance program similar to USAR's for the ARNG?


 Has there ever been a Voluntary Inactive Duty Training Guidance program similar to USAR's for the ARNG? 

 Recognizing the extra hours and due diligence of invested leaders is a strong retention tool.  Retirement points are better than nothing and with appropriate backwards planning and policy development could be standardized across the force.  

Answer 1

I'd recommend you ask at ARNG Personnel Policy Division (ARNG-HRH)



Answer 2 

BLUF: No; I do not believe NGR 350-1 authorizes this type training period

However, OSD categorizes "voluntary IDT" as "special additional duties . . . performed in connection with prescribed training or maintenance activities" of the member's unit, and "performed for retirement points only"  (i.e. non-paid) and not DL (per Title 37).  These periods are not less than two hours and are for a maximum of  two points on any calendar day.  You might ask the trainers  about additional training periods (type-drill 81).

the scroll approval process


I got approved for UVP through my state and have been able to track the status of my packet through G1 Gateway. Today, it changed to what is shown in the picture. Does this mean it's been assigned a scroll and is going through the scroll approval process? 




that's exactly what that means. You are assigned to scroll and moving through the process. The process is relatively streamlined once assigned to scroll.

Are there a PowerPoint that explain the Fed Rec process for Reserve compo officers?


Are there a PowerPoint that explain the Fed Rec process for Reserve compo officers?

It would go over the code on G1 Army Self-service. I do have a checklist, but I don't know the whole process very well.  

Answer 1

I recommend asking your unit's higher BDE S1 for guidance on it (incase there is anything specific for MN at the state level). However here is a PowerPoint I found on S1NET showing the process from CA ARNG:

Federal Recognition (FedRec) Process.pptx |milBook Home (

Note* Fed Rec is not applicable to all Reserve Compo Soldiers. That is specific to Army National Guard (and I'd assume Air National Guard too). The USAR Army Reserve is always Title 10 (inactive and active versions) and do not go through a Fed Rec Board since they are already federally recognize in their current rank upon commissioning and each promotion.

Answer 2

USAR officers do not receive Federal Recognition order because their Federal status is continuous. NG officers must obtain Federal Recognition of a State appointment which occurs after the Reserve of the Army grade approval, granted by CNGB. I encourage you to seek guidance from your Bde S1 or the echelon you report to that is in contact with your State G1. Your State G1 receives regular communication with the FedRec branch here at NGB regarding FedRec processes and procedures. In the meantime, refer to the attached FedRec diagram published by the FedRec section which will likely be updated soon.

Hope this helps

Looking for a "How To" or GOBY or contact person for Army Grade Determination Review Board packets


We just completed a couple of WOFR boards and I am looking for help in what and where to forward to the  Army Grade Determination Review Board pursuant to AR 15-80. Has anyone dealt with them recently?  AR15-80 says:  1–14. Separation authorities Separation authorities will accomplish automatic grade determinations at the time of a soldier’s separation. Separation authorities will ensure that the personnel records of individuals not subject to automatic grade determinations are forwarded to the proper authority as identified in this regulation for grade determinations.


A senior Paralegal at ARBA provided me with the following link:  Legal ( You'll have to request access and should be able to upload all required documents and track the status there. I looked up your information and since you are in your State JAG, you would be an appropriate POC for these submissions. The ARBA asks that the State's limit the request coming only from their legal or JAG offices.

ARNG pre-Basic Strategic Art Program (pre-BSAP): The ARNG G5 will host the spring 2023 pre-BSAP class from 8-12 APR 2024 at Fort Belvoir, VA.

Applications are due NLT 8 MAR 2024.  Applicants must be post-KD CPTs and junior MAJs exploring a career change and interested in becoming FA59 Strategists. Pre-BSAP is a highly challenging course designed to expose candidates to the FA59 career field and prepare candidates to pass BSAP, the Army’s FA59 qualification course. Top performers in pre-BSAP are offered a spot on the ARNG BSAP OML, the entry point for the ARNG FA59 accession pipeline.


AY25-26 Harvard Strategist and Strategic Education Program Announcement

The ARNG is looking for well-qualified senior Captains and junior Majors to apply for the AY25-26 Harvard Strategist and Strategic Education (HSSE) Program. The program is one of two pathways for ARNG officers to transition into Functional Area 59 (FA59, Army Strategist). The ARNG requests at least one applicant per State, Territory, the District of Columbia, and the Title 10 program. Selected officers pursue, at government expense, a Mid-Career Master of Public Administration degree at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government (or an alternate HQDA-approved program), and then complete a three-year utilization tour in the DC area with anticipated transition to T10 AGR. Interested officers must submit applications NLT 12 April 2024. Application instructions and program details are contained in Enclosure 1 (Application instructions).


Guard to Active Duty


By chance would anyone know where to begin to have a soldier start a conditional release from the guard. Service member has already been in the active service for over a year now and assigned to our unit.



Answer 1

I don't believe you need one.  Just go see an active duty recruiter.

Answer 2

Soldier needs to request release from his state’s national guard.

Answer 3

You can do it 1 of 2 ways:

They will need a DD 368:  Request for conditional release

1) Go to the Recruiter of the Branch you are trying to go into and they will start the process.


2) Have them go to their admin clerk to do a conditional release.  Guard has to be released by the state and it could take some months but if they start the process, it gets the ball rolling.

Answer 4

The SM needs to talk to a recruiter. Once the DD 368 for conditional release is approved they will need to go to the MEPS where they will dep out of the guard and dep back into the regular army.

Recouping time in grade (constructive credit and 3year delay in promotion packet submission)


I have a question about the possibility of recouping time in grade in the National Guard. Background: I direct commissioned as a CPT in the Medical Corps in 2016 during year 2 of a 4 year residency . I was awarded 4 years of constructive credit for completing my 4 year MD degree in 2015 as reflected on my DA Form 5074-R. I did not receive any constructive credit for completing residency in 2019. I used elective time during my residency to complete BOLC in 2019 prior to graduation and began the credentialing process for the Army in hopes of a timely promotion to MAJ in either 2020 or 2021.

Perhaps this is faulty information, but when I joined in 2016, I was told that upon graduating from residency, I would be awarded the 4 years of constructive credit for that time and would be competitive for promotion to MAJ as long as I had completed BOLC.

To make a long story short, the above did not occur.  My packet was not submitted until late 2022 and I was promoted to MAJ in September 2023 through a DA Board (the delay was due to S1 problems within my unit and covid). At one point, a fellow Solider advised me that I may want to pursue a Special Selection Board but I deferred because my unit said that my eventual promotion to MAJ would be backdated considerably to reflect considerable time in grade given the delays in submitting my packet. When I received my promotion in September 2023, it was only backdated by 2 months.  My hope is to serve at least 20 years but, if possible, I would like to get closer to the promotion cycles of my peers to whom this did not occur.


My question is two-fold:

1) Would it be worthwhile for me to attempt to receive constructive credit for my 4 years of residency? AR-135-101 (below) indicates that this should be 4 years. If so, what is the mechanism for this? I assume it will ultimately need to go through Army Board for Correction of Military Records.

2) Is there any recourse for having my promotion backdated due to the multi-year delay in the submission of my promotion packet?


AR 135–101, Figure TABLE 3-1:

1. Basic qualifying degree: 4 years (MC)

a. M.D., D.O.,, D.D.S., or D.M.D.

b. Degrees in table 3-3. (Credit is given only for the highest degree achieved in a particular field.)

2. Credit for successful completion of internship or first-year graduate medical education which is approved by American Medical Association (AMA) or American Osteopathic Association (AOA) and is the functional equivalent of an internship. 1 year (MC)

3. Credit for GPE: 1 year for each year completed (MC)

a. GME in a specialty required, approved by AMA or AOA, and creditable toward certification.

b. Successful completion of approved postgraduate education in dentistry or dental specialty in which assigned and creditable toward certification.

c. Successful completion of postgraduate education (see table 3-5) in specialty in which assigned and creditable toward certification. Credit may no exceed that required for certification in the specialty. 



Way too complicated.  Maybe a request to the ABCMR?

Will T32 AGR RCPs be updated to reflect the new dates and applicability from DA Pam 601-280? Similar to how PPOM 22-208a mirrored Milper Msg 22-394?


Will T32 AGR RCPs be updated to reflect the new dates and applicability from DA Pam 601-280?  Similar to how PPOM 22-208a mirrored Milper Msg 22-394? 

Additionally, is an AGRs contractual end date considered the day they would hit RCP or the actual ETS if the ETS and RCP do not coincide?  For example, the Soldier will hit RCP in May of 2024, but their ETS is not until June of 2025.  The additional applicability range in the new DA Pam would cover the issue, but not PPOM 22-028a.


As of now(), an update to our policy to reflect DA Pam 601-280, is a topic of discussion; more to follow. To address your question, an ETS cannot exceed the RCP. I see you're in my region. Feel free to shoot me an email and I'll connect you with the right POCs.

Enlisted Promotion Consolidated Policies (ARNG)

I have been tracking and consolidating all of the enlisted promotion policy changes. This was updated this morning. Verify for accuracy when reviewing policy in the event something was overlooked. This is just a tool for tracking changes

It is specific to ARNG, but does have some information pertaining to RA and USAR.


Consolidated Policies.xlsx

ARNG FA59 Accessions and Pre-BSAP

Post-KD CPTs and junior MAJs considering a career change are invited to explore Functional Area 59, Strategist. The ARNG accesses 6 candidates per year into the T10 AGR program as FA59s. This is an exciting and challenging career field, with opportunities to influence senior leaders (up to and including DARNG, as well as HQDA and OSD senior leaders) and help shape the ARNG's direction. The first step is to enroll in ARNG's Pre-BSAP course, an intensive one-week immersion experience designed to expose candidates to the FA59 career field and prepare candidates to pass the Basic Strategic Art Program (BSAP), the Army’s FA59 qualification course. Top performers in the class are offered a spot on the ARNG BSAP OML and enter the ARNG FA59 accession pipeline. The ARNG G5 will host the Fall 2023 Pre-BSAP class from 23-27 October at Fort Belvoir, VA. Interested parties should reach out to the ARNG FA59 accessions team at or 703-601-2264. See attachments for more details.


Pre-BSAP Pamphlet.pdf

FY24 Fall Pre-BSAP Course LOI.pdf

FA59 Brochure - 20200312.pdf

Clarification on frequency of ACFT for AGRs


Looking for clarification on the frequency that AGRs are required to complete an ACFT.

AR 350-1 mandated that "Soldiers must take a record APFT every 6 months for RA and AGR Soldiers" but AD 2022-05 states the following:

Army Directive 2022-05 states that "Frequency. Beginning 1 October 2022, RA/USAR (AGR) Soldiers will take two record ACFTs per calendar year, with no less than 4 months between record tests.
RC Soldiers (less USAR (AGR)) will take the ACFT once per calendar year for record, with no less than 8 months between record tests"

If this is true, can a Soldier take a record ACFT 1 March 2023 (pass), and then complete another November of 2023 (pass) and still remain in compliance?

Some folks are saying that the 6 month rule from 350-1 is still a requirement but I think otherwise.


I believe the answer you're looking for is in Army Directive 2022-05 paras 4 and 5.

"4. Policy. Starting 1 April 2022, the ACFT will begin to be implemented as the Army’s official record physical fitness test for personnel actions. References 1b and 1c are hereby rescinded. Where this policy conflicts with any other previously published procedural guidance, this directive is controlling. ACFT policies for pregnant and postpartum Soldiers will be published separately."

"5. Proponent. The DCS, G-3/5/7 is the proponent for this policy and will incorporate its provisions in AR 350–1 within 2 years of the date of this directive. In coordination with the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower and Reserve Affairs), the DCS, G-1 will issue additional implementation guidance as applicable."

Based on that, the Soldier would still be in compliance.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Can an Infantry Officer command an Engineer Unit??

  • There is no Army regulatory policy against it.  It would be up to the policies in your state.
  • My USAR Engineer Battalion had an Armor Officer command an Engineer Vertical Construction Company (he later reclassed Engineer), had a Signal Officer Command HHC, and currently has an Engineer Officer commanding our Forward Support Company. We are on our second consecutive 12Z (Combat Engineer) serving as a Construction Company 1SG (12X billet).
    Your unit gets dinged on non-DMOSQ for this, but it is ultimately what the Brigade and Battalion commander is willing to accept.
    • This is the correct answer. It's all up to your state / branch advisory working group (or equivalent) and the unit commander. If they recommend a strong IN officer for a EN command billet, and the branch in your state can accommodate having an EN slot filled by IN, then there shouldn't be anything policy wise stopping it. Both are combat arms and at least receive some training on the other branch's capabilities and limitations. I'm an EN officer filling an ADA position on a DMD, with a FA unit. Crazier things have happened.
      If the infantry officer is you, take it as a great opportunity for a broadening assignment. At the very least you'll be able to take back to your unit what engineers can do for the infantry, which is a fair amount.

S1NET Message Summary - 8/22/2024

1. SMARTVOUCHER ISSUES - AFRICOM REDEPLOYERS. From:  Chief, Contingency Manpower, Southern European Task Force, Africa:  If you redeployed from a tour in Africa in FY24 and you are having issues settling your SmartVoucher, please contact this email address for assistance: . The issue is likely a result of the travel office that supports East Africa deployers using the Soldier's Individually Billed Account (IBA), i.e., government travel charge card (GTCC), to pay for the CONUS-based commercial flights returning them home station or demobilization station. Use of IBA is counter to Army deployment order processes, which direct use of a Centrally Billed Account (CBA). i.e., the line of accounting on the deployment order, to fund commercial travel. Therefore, DFAS will not allow IBA unless the Soldiers receive a deployment order amendment authorizing use of IBA.



2. ARMY WOMEN'S INITIATIVES TEAM (WIT) APPLICATION PORTAL IS NOW OPEN - S: 15 Sep '24. The Army WIT brings together representatives from across Total Army to advocate for policy, program and resource changes to address women's recruitment, retention, readiness, health, well-being, empowerment, and advancement in the Army. Everyone is invited to apply - Army Soldiers and Civilians (E1-E9, WO1-CW5, O1-O10, GS1-SES3 / Male and Female / all components).






     a. THE U.S. ARMY EVALUATION CENTER (AEC) 25-02 TOWNHALL. The Army Evaluation Center (AEC), Army Test & Evaluation Command (ATEC) would like to cordially invite you to its first 25-02 Marketplace Town Hall taking place on the 27th of September 2024 at 1300 Eastern via Teams Live. The townhall will include an organization overview brief from the AEC Executive Director, Mr. Christopher Barrett with a follow-on Q&A session for Soldiers in Market.



     b. US ARMY TEST & EVALUATION COMMAND (ATEC) 25-02 VACANCIES. The United States Army Test and Evaluation Command (ATEC) has multiple vacancies and is seeking highly knowledgeable, innovative, and confident Officers for the 25-02 Manning Cycle. At ATEC, we have a saying: "If a Soldier rides, wears, shoots, or deploys it, we test it". Our goal is to provide America’s Military with the best equipment to win and return home safely. ATEC is on the forefront of testing and evaluating technologies of the present and future. We have units located in Maryland, North Carolina, Alabama, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, and Alaska.



4. Recently published Military Personnel (MILPER) messages and Military Pay Messages. Some messages are posted on S1NET, and some are on the HRC MILPER website. If the link provided takes you to the HRC MILPER website, you have to log in with your CAC before the link to the MILPER message will work.






     b. MILPER MESSAGE 24-350, AMENDMENT TO MILPER 24-329, 12 AUG 24, SUBJECT: FISCAL YEAR 2025, LIEUTENANT COLONEL, ARMY NURSE CORPS (AN), MEDICAL SERVICE CORPS (MS), ARMY MEDICAL SPECIALIST CORPS (SP), AND VETERINARY CORPS (VC), ARMY MEDICAL DEPARTMENT (AMEDD) PROMOTION SELECTION BOARDS, ISSUED: [22 AUG 24]. . Paragraph 2d (2) is changed to read “pursuant to AR 600-8-29, paragraph 2-7e (1), officers with an approved retirement or separation date from the ADL within 90 days of the convene date (15 Jan 25) are not eligible for consideration by this selection board. Officers with an approved retirement or separation date after 15 Jan 25 will have a statement of approved retirement or separation placed in their board file prior to the board, pursuant to DA Memo 600-2, paragraph 7.



     c. MILPER MESSAGE 24-351, 2ND AMENDMENT TO MILPER MESSAGE 24-265, 8 JUL 24, SUBJECT: ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR EARLY CONSIDERATION (OPT-IN) FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2025 (FY25) ACTIVE COMPONENT (AC), ARMY MEDICAL DEPARTMENT (AMEDD) ARMY NURSE CORPS (AN), MEDICAL SERVICE CORPS (MS), MEDICAL SPECIALIST CORPS (SP) AND VETERINARY CORPS (VC), PROMOTION SELECTION BOARDS (PSB), ISSUED: [22 AUG 24]. Paragraph 5 is changed to read Opt-in consideration suspense dates: To COL: the NLT date for these requests is 30 Aug 24. Requests received after 2359 hours EDT on 30 Aug 24 will be returned without action.






     a. GERMAN ARMED FORCES PROFICIENCY BADGE (GAFPB). Wondering when and where GAFPB events are being held this upcoming FY and who I need to contact to participate.



6. FORSCOM WIAS POSITIONS (UPDATED A/O 16 AUG 24). The below hot openings, and others, are listed at the following link.






     b. J5 DIRECTOR | CAMP LEMONNIER, DJIBOUTI | O-4 | 02A | TS/SCI | SEP 24 | 180 DAYS.


7. ARNG/USAR POSITIONS/JOBS AVAILABLE. S1NET members have posted the following RC position/job vacancy information. For a listing of all USAR primary vacancies (updated weekly) visit Units/commands who wish to post vacancies on S1NET may do so by following the instructions posted on the front page of the Job Announcements topic at the following link. Those posts which are in the correct location and which are posted in accordance with the instructions provided will be included in a future S1NET Message Summary.



















MILPER 24-350 Amendment to MILPER 24-329, 12 Aug 24, Subject: Fiscal Year 2025, Lieutenant Colonel, Army Nurse Corps (AN), Medical Service Corps (MS), Army Medical Specialist Corps (SP), and Veterinary Corps (VC), Army Medical Department (AMEDD) Promotion

bluf: Paragraph 2d (2) is changed to read %E2%80%9Cpursuant to AR 600-8-29, paragraph 2-7e (1), officers with an approved retirement or separation date from the ADL within 90 days of the convene date (15 Jan 25) are not eligible for consideration by this selection board. Officers with an approved retirement or separation date after 15 Jan 25 will have a statement of approved retirement or separation placed in their board file prior to the board, pursuant to DA Memo 600-2, paragraph 7.


MILPER 24-350 Amendment to MILPER 24-329_FY24 AC LTC AMEDD PSB.pdf

S1NET Message Summary - 8/21/2024






















4. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY STRATEGIC LANGUAGE LIST (SLL) FOR GENERAL PURPOSE FORCES, 19 AUGUST 2024. From HRC Incentives and Compensation Branch:  The current SLL for General Purpose Forces published by the Army G-2 is dated 19 August 2024. Visit the following link for a review of significant changes.



5. TOUR LENGTHS FOR MILITARY AND CIVILIAN PERSONNEL ASSIGNED TO POLAND. Memo from the Asst SECDEF, M&RA:  This memo establishes permanent tour lengths for both military and civilian personnel for Poznan, Powidz, and Zagan, Poland. These tour lengths will be reflected in a change to the Joint Travel Regulations.



6. SUSPENSION OF TEMPORARY (ENLISTED) PROMOTIONS JOB AID. TAGD has seen a lot of questions related to this and wants to ensure that our S1s and HR Professionals have all the information possible to answer questions from our teammates out in the field!



7. Recently published Military Personnel (MILPER) messages and Military Pay Messages. Some messages are posted on S1NET, and some are on the HRC MILPER website. If the link provided takes you to the HRC MILPER website, you have to log in with your CAC before the link to the MILPER message will work.



     a. MILPER MESSAGE 24-344, FISCAL YEAR 2025 (FY25), RESERVE COMPONENT (RC), COLONEL (COL), CHAPLAIN (CH) CORPS, ARMY NATIONAL GUARD OF THE UNITED STATES (ARNGUS), ARMY RESERVE ACTIVE GUARD RESERVE (AR AGR), AND ARMY RESERVE NON-ACTIVE GUARD RESERVE (AR NON AGR), COMPETITIVE CATEGORIES, PROMOTION SELECTION BOARD (PSB) ZONES OF CONSIDERATION, ISSUED: [20 AUG 24]. Mandatory Department of the Army (DA) promotion selection board will convene on or about 7 Oct 24, to consider eligible Chaplain Corps (CH) Lieutenant Colonels (LTC) on the Reserve Active Status List (RASL) for promotion to Colonel (COL). The board will recess on or about 10 Oct 24.



     b. MILPER MESSAGE 24-345, FISCAL YEAR 2025 (FY25) RESERVE COMPONENT (RC), LIEUTENANT COLONEL (LTC), CHAPLAIN (CH) CORPS, ARMY NATIONAL GUARD OF THE UNITED STATES (ARNGUS), ARMY RESERVE ACTIVE GUARD RESERVE (AR AGR), AND ARMY RESERVE NON-ACTIVE GUARD RESERVE (AR NON-AGR), COMPETITIVE CATEGORIES, PROMOTION SELECTION BOARD (PSB) ZONES OF CONSIDERATION, ISSUED: [20 AUG 24]. Mandatory Department of the Army (DA) promotion selection boards will convene on or about 7 Oct 24 to consider eligible Chaplain Corps (CH) Majors (MAJ) on the Reserve Active Status List (RASL) for promotion to Lieutenant Colonel (LTC). The boards will recess on or about 10 Oct 24.



     c. MILPER MESSAGE 24-346, APPROVAL OF THE HUMANITARIAN SERVICE MEDAL – HAWAII AND MAUI WILDFIRES, ISSUED: [20 AUG 24]. To announce that the Joint Staff approved award of the Humanitarian Service Medal (HSM) for those personnel who directly participated in the humanitarian assistance and disaster relief support provided to the people of Hawaii following the devastation caused by the Hawaii and Maui Wildfires. The HSM has been approved by the award authority for U.S. Service members, Coast Guardsmen, and Reserve Components (to include the National Guard), who were physically present at the islands of Hawaii and Maui and provided humanitarian assistance during the period 08 August 2023 through 31 December 2023.



     d. MILPER MESSAGE 24-348, AMENDMENT TO MILPER 24-333, 13 AUG 24, SUBJECT: RELEASE OF THE FISCAL YEAR 2024 (FY24) ACTIVE COMPONENT (AC), CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER THREE (CW3), CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER FOUR (CW4), AND CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER FIVE (CW5), PROMOTION SELECTION BOARD (PSB), ISSUED: [20 AUG 24]. Paragraph 3 is changed to read “The Prepositioning and Release of these board results are delayed due to further administrative review. Upon approval of the board report, HRC will publish new preposition and release dates.”



8. FORSCOM WIAS POSITIONS (UPDATED A/O 16 AUG 24). The below hot openings, and others, are listed at the following link.






     b. J5 DIRECTOR | CAMP LEMONNIER, DJIBOUTI | O-4 | 02A | TS/SCI | SEP 24 | 180 DAYS.


9. ARNG/USAR POSITIONS/JOBS AVAILABLE. S1NET members have posted the following RC position/job vacancy information. For a listing of all USAR primary vacancies (updated weekly) visit Units/commands who wish to post vacancies on S1NET may do so by following the instructions posted on the front page of the Job Announcements topic at the following link. Those posts which are in the correct location and which are posted in accordance with the instructions provided will be included in a future S1NET Message Summary.







MILPER 24-348 Amendment to MILPER 24-333, 13 Aug 24, Subject: Release of the Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24) Active Component (AC), Chief Warrant Officer Three (CW3), Chief Warrant Officer Four (CW4), and Chief Warrant Officer Five (CW5), Promotion Selection Boar

bluf: Paragraph 3 is changed to read %E2%80%9CThe Prepositioning and Release of these board results are delayed due to further administrative review. Upon approval of the board report, HRC will publish new preposition and release dates.%E2%80%9D


MILPER 24-348 Amendment to MILPER 24-333 13 Aug 24 Subject Release of the Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24) AC CW3 CW4 CW5 Results.pdf

MILPER 24-345 Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25) Reserve Component (RC), Lieutenant Colonel (LTC), Chaplain (CH) Corps, Army National Guard of the United States (ARNGUS), Army Reserve Active Guard Reserve (AR AGR), and Army Reserve Non-Active Guard Reserve (AR Non-A

bluf: Mandatory Department of the Army (DA) promotion selection boards will convene on or about 7 Oct 24 to consider eligible Chaplain Corps (CH) Majors (MAJ) on the Reserve Active Status List (RASL) for promotion to Lieutenant Colonel (LTC). The boards will recess on or about 10 Oct 24. Selective Continuation (SELCON) boards may convene at the conclusion of the FY25 RC, LTC, CH Corps, PSB to consider those officers two or more times non-selected for promotion as a result of this board.



MILPER 24-344 Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25), Reserve Component (RC), Colonel (COL), Chaplain (CH) Corps, Army National Guard of the United States (ARNGUS), Army Reserve Active Guard Reserve (AR AGR), and Army Reserve Non-Active Guard Reserve (AR Non-AGR), Compe

bluf: Mandatory Department of the Army (DA) promotion selection board will convene on or about 7 Oct 24, to consider eligible Chaplain Corps (CH) Lieutenant Colonels (LTC) on the Reserve Active Status List (RASL) for promotion to Colonel (COL). The board will recess on or about 10 Oct 24.



S1NET Message Summary - 8/20/2024

1. STATUS OF THE FY24 MAJ ACC PROMOTION SELECTION BOARD (PSB) RESULTS. From HRC Officer Promotions: This message is to provide a status of the FY24 MAJ ACC PSB board results as we are nearing the Recess + 180 day mark. The Army MAJ PSB results, once approved, begins promotions starting on 1 July 2025. In accordance with Department of Defense Instruction (DODI) 1320.04, nomination packages, which include the Board Report, will NOT be forwarded to the Senate more than 9 months prior to the Projected Date of Promotion. The FY24 MAJ ACC PSB results are currently processing to the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) for anticipated approval no later than October 2024. Once the Board Results are approved by the Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness), HRC will publish a MILPER message with preposition and release dates. 


















     a. JOB AID: USAR MEMBER'S MILITARY PAY & DISABILITY WAIVER CODE. This Job Aid assists United States Army Reserve (USAR) Human Resource (HR) Professionals with updating a Member’s Military Pay and Veterans Affairs (VA) disability waiver code.






     a. AGCRA MENTORSHIP PROGRAM - PHASE 1 - MENTOR APPLICATION PROCESS. The AGCRA Mentorship Program is a new initiative designed to connect AGs (Soldiers, DA Civilians, Army Musicians, including MEPS & Recruiting / Retention personnel) with experienced Mentors who can provide invaluable career guidance, support, and insights. Read more at the following link. 



     b. 65TH MEDICAL BRIGADE / MEDICAL DEPARTMENT ACTIVITY KOREA – SELECTING FOR AIM 25-02 MARKET. The 65th MED BDE / MEDDAC-K is currently selecting Active Duty Officers for key developmental positions for the summer 2025 cycle. The 65th Medical Brigade is one of the most sought-after duty locations by those looking to advance their careers. Headquartered at USAG-Humphreys, with units throughout South Korea, the 65th is the only forward-stationed Army medical brigade with a real-world healthcare delivery mission.



5. Recently published Military Personnel (MILPER) messages and Military Pay Messages. Some messages are posted on S1NET, and some are on the HRC MILPER website. If the link provided takes you to the HRC MILPER website, you have to log in with your CAC before the link to the MILPER message will work.



     a. MILPER MESSAGE 24-342, TEMPORARY PROMOTION AUTHORITY FOR DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY SELECT RECRUITERS (DASR) BY-NAME LIST FOR 25TH OF JULY AND THE 8TH AND 15TH OF AUGUST 2024, ISSUED: [16 AUG 24]. This message is to announce the Department of the Army Select Recruiters By Name List for Temporary Promotion Authority for 25th of July and the 8th and 15th of August.



     b. MILPER MESSAGE 24-343, SOLDIER REFERRAL PROGRAM BY-NAME LIST FOR EARLY PROMOTION ADVANCEMENT AND THE AWARD OF THE ARMY RECRUITING RIBBON FOR AUGUST 2024, ISSUED: [16 AUG 24]. This message is to announce the Soldier Referral Program By-Name List for Early Promotion Advancement, and the awarding of the Army Recruiting Ribbon for August 2024.



6. FORSCOM WIAS POSITIONS (UPDATED A/O 16 AUG 24). The below hot openings, and others, are listed at the following link.






     b. J5 DIRECTOR | CAMP LEMONNIER, DJIBOUTI | O-4 | 02A | TS/SCI | SEP 24 | 180 DAYS.


7. ARNG/USAR POSITIONS/JOBS AVAILABLE. S1NET members have posted the following RC position/job vacancy information. For a listing of all USAR primary vacancies (updated weekly) visit Units/commands who wish to post vacancies on S1NET may do so by following the instructions posted on the front page of the Job Announcements topic at the following link. Those posts which are in the correct location and which are posted in accordance with the instructions provided will be included in a future S1NET Message Summary.