Saturday, September 30, 2023

S1NET Special Message - PCS Move Impacts in FY23

From HRC:  1. To minimize the year-end impacts to FY23 budget obligations Military Personnel Divisions will pause new orders publications until 1 October 2023.  2. Expedited transfers and compassionate assignments will continue to be executed, as will confinement orders, IET orders, separation orders and amendments to PCS orders issued prior to 15 August 2023. 3. No cost moves will continue to be executed. 4. Soldiers with orders originally published between and including 15 August 2023 and 30 September 2023, with report dates of 1 November 2023 and beyond will have their orders deleted/revoked and republished provided they have not already initiated HHG movement (i.e. packing has not started). 5. Soldiers without amendments to their base orders, will have their orders deleted and republished in IPPS-A after 1 October 2023. No action is required of the Soldier. MPDs will only be required to execute final approval in IPPS-A. 6. For Soldiers whose orders were previous amended, a top of the system revocation will be executed and the assignment reinitiated. Upon notification of the assignment re-initiation in IPPS-A, these Soldiers will then be required to complete a new Member Election in IPPS-A before their new orders can be completed. 7. Each impacted Soldier will receive a direct email notifying them of the situation (examples attached at the above link). 8. Soldiers with individual circumstances should be directed to their HRC talent manager. 9. Soldiers’ units of assignments and report dates will not be changed; however, if this situation causes a hardship due to HHG scheduling, especially for Soldiers with report dates in November 2023, installation MPD have the authority to adjust report dates up to 30 days and anything beyond the 30 days, HRC talent managers will have discretion to adjust report dates. 10. If a Soldier is on a housing wait list at their gaining unit, their place will not change. 11. If a Soldier is on a CYS childcare wait list, their place will not change. 12. If a Soldier has previously approved EFMP family members, their status will not change. 13. If a Soldier already has their HHG Shipment scheduled, but packing has not started:       a. For Solders who did not have an amendment to their base order, their shipment date will not have to be canceled, because their order number will not change. The Soldier will simply need to provide a copy of the new orders, with the new publish order date and FY24 fund cite, dated after 1 October 2023 to the transportation office.      b. For Soldiers who previously had an amendment and whose orders had to be revoked, HHG Shipments will be canceled and reinitiated by the transportation office. Every effort will be made to secure the same shipment dates, but in some cases the exact date may not be possible. Soldiers will need to provide a copy of their new orders, with FY24 fund cite, dated after 1 October 2023 to the transportation office.


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