Sunday, January 21, 2024

Iran Update 15JAN2024

Key Takeaways: 
• Iranian-backed Iraqi actors are trying to install their preferred candidate as Iraqi parliament speaker as part of their ongoing campaign to expel US forces from Iraq. 
• Israeli forces have continued targeting the remaining Palestinian fighters and militia infrastructure in the northern Gaza Strip. 
• The IDF announced that it withdrew the 36th Division from the Central Governorate of the Gaza Strip. 
• The IDF 646th Paratroopers Brigade Combat Team (assigned to the 99th Division) continued to conduct clearing operations in Nuseirat in the Central Governorate of the Gaza Strip. • The IDF 98th Division continued clearing operations in the southern Gaza Strip. 
• Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said that Hamas’ “Khan Younis Brigade is gradually disintegrating as a fighting force.” 
• The Gaza Strip is experiencing the longest, large-scale internet blackout since the Israel-Hamas war began. 
• The al Quds Brigades fired rockets from the Gaza Strip targeting Sderot in southern Israel. 
• The al Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades announced the establishment of a “military council” to plan attacks on Israeli targets “in every corner of the Earth.” 
• Two West Bank residents conducted a car-ramming attack in Raanana, killing one civilian and wounding 17 others.
• Israeli forces clashed with Palestinian fighters five times across the West Bank, compared to the weekly average of nine attacks per day. 
• Lebanese Hezbollah conducted eight attacks from southern Lebanon into northern Israel. 
• Lebanese Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah gave a speech detailing the state of the Israel-Hamas war and ongoing Iranian-backed escalation against the United States throughout the region. 
• The Islamic Resistance in Iraq—a coalition of Iranian-backed Iraqi militias—claimed four attacks on three US positions in Iraq and Syria. 
• The Houthis continued attacking and harassing US naval forces and commercial shipping in the Red Sea.


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