Thursday, December 15, 2022

S1NET Message Summary - 1 Dec 22

1. IPPS-A UPDATE: RELEASE 3 (R3) GO-LIVE. From COL Rebecca Eggers, IPPS-A FMD:  Key points below from COL Eggers 30 Nov 22 update. See the entire message at the following link.      a. Mark your calendars for 20 December 2022 and January 2023! The Go-Live for IPPS-A Release 3 will be a phased approach to user groups. On 20 December 2022, HR professionals, including all subcategories, will have access to IPPS-A. All other users will have access on a date to be published in January 2023.      b. Keep in mind that only those who have completed the required training for their elevated roles (R3 Leaders Course for Supervisors/Managers/Commanders or the HR Pro d/L and Subcat training for HR Pros) will be auto-provisioned. Any HR Professional that did not complete training or was not mapped will need to submit an access request.      c. Granting access to HR Professionals first, allows time for you to set up your unit’s approval chains and ensure all managers have the correct level of access while also completing all essential post-Go-Live tasks.  All functionality for Release 3 will be delivered on 20 December; therefore, HR professionals will be able to submit critical actions on behalf of Soldiers if necessary. As we approach Go-Live; we will provide additional guidance on how to handle transactions during the window from 20 December until all users are on the system.      d. Although the completion date for d/L training has passed, any users who have not completed their training should do so as soon as possible. Access to Enterprise Learning Management (ELM), where training is completed, will be taken off-line on 12 December 2022. Users that are not auto-provisioned for Go-Live will need to submit an access request after Go-Live in order to be provisioned by their unit validators.      e. If you are a member of a cutover team, please ensure you log in on Thursday, 1 December 2022 (see attached guide). We will be monitoring users as they log in to ensure all cutover teams are accounted for. Faces to Spaces Cycles and S1 Pool/UDL build begins on Friday through next week and getting provisioned on Thursday is key to ensuring you are able to complete those tasks. 2. REPORTING SYSTEM (ERS) CHANGES - HOW-TO GUIDE (NOV 22). From Evaluations Branch, TAGD: The ERS system which tracks administrative information on all evaluations, from initiation thru HQDA to iPERMS, has been updated. We have been improving the user interface by combining the three components into a single dashboard instead of the currently separated dashboards. A new ERS "How-to Guide" is attached at the following link. 3. IPPS-A "A DAY IN THE LIFE" WEBINAR SERIES - UNIT LEVEL CRM DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES- UNIT LEVEL CRM TASKS - 7 DEC 2022. Attached is the CONOP for the IPPS-A "A Day in the Life" Webinar Series on Unit Level CRM Duties and Responsibilities- Unit Level CRM Tasks. The FMD Training Team will be conducting two sessions on 7 DEC 22 at 1100 ET and 1900 ET. Session will cover how to create parent/child and favorite PG relationships in CRM so HR Agents can quickly route/escalate cases. 4. THREE STRATEGIES TO BUILD POSITIVE EMOTIONS FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON. From the Army Resilience Directorate: Being home for the holidays can be a joyful time, but it can also be a source of stress. We can experience sadness if we are unable to make it home to visit our loved ones. During the holiday season, it’s important to engage in three practical strategies to help build positive emotions and resilience:  positive imagery, focus on the good stuff, and real-time resilience. 5. ARMY RESERVE PAY MESSAGE 22-28, ARMY RESERVE PAY WORKSHOPS – FY23. USARC G-8, Pay Management Division (PMD) will conduct five iterations of the Reserve Pay Workshop in FY23. This workshop gathers the Army Reserve Pay community to receive sustainment training on military pay entitlements, procedures, systems, and audit readiness requirements. Reserve pay training is a triennial requirement for personnel responsible for Reserve pay actions. Personnel who last attended a Reserve Pay Workshop in FY20 or earlier should attend in FY23. Participants include unit pay administrators, Reserve Personnel Action Center (RPAC) employees and other personnel responsible for Reserve pay actions. 6. MILITARY PAY E-MESSAGE 22-055, DJMS-RC COMBAT ZONE TAX EXCLUSION (CZTE) DECEMBER PROCESSING SCHEDULE.The purpose of this message is to provide all information regarding the December Production Schedule for HFP/CZTE transactions for eligible Soldiers paid on DJMS-RC. 7. BRANCH/COMMAND ITEMS.      a. EIGHTH ARMY IPPS-A CUTOVER TEAM PRIORITY OF WORK GUIDE. From the 8th Army G-1:  A step-by-step guide for Soldiers to accomplish the cutover mission with the 4 Day 0 Task and the 16 Day 1 Task outlined in order of the Priority of Work. The team has added some additional information for Board Prep Activities and Held Administrative updates. This guide is not intended to replace the User’s Manual during the Cutover process, with that said review the business processes for each task. 8. Recently published DOD and Army Directives (AD) and All Army Activity (ALARACT) messages. None. New ALARACTs and ADs are also posted on APD at the following link. 9. Recently published Military Personnel (MILPER) messages and Military Pay E-Messages.  All MILPER messages are available on the HRC MILPER web page at All Military Pay E-Messages are available on milBook at      a. MILPER MESSAGE 22-460, FISCAL YEAR 2024 (FY24) COLONEL (COL) ARMY COMPETITIVE CATEGORY (ACC) CENTRALIZED SELECTION LIST (CSL) - COMMAND/KEY BILLET AND GENERAL STAFF PRE-POSITION AND RELEASE, ISSUED: [11/30/2022 2:36:50 PM]. The Chief of Staff of the Army (CSA) approved the results for FY24 Army Competitive Category (ACC) Colonels Command Assessment Program results. The FY24 COL ACC CSL Principal and Alternate by Name Only lists prepositioning date is 08 December 2022 for all preposition recipients. The lists will be publicly released at 0730 (EDT) on 13 December 2022 and released separately from the FY24 CSL slates.      b. MILPER MESSAGE 22-461, FISCAL YEAR 2024 (FY24) COL/GS-15 EQUIVALENT ARMY ACQUISITION CORPS (AAC) CENTRALIZED SELECTION LIST (CSL) - COMMAND/KEY BILLET PRE-POSITION AND RELEASE, ISSUED: [11/30/2022 2:43:13 PM]. The Army Acquisition Executive (AAE) approved the results for FY24 Army Acquisition Corps (AAC) COL/GS-15 Acquisition Leader Assessment Program (ALAP) results. The FY24 COL/GS-15 AAC CSL Principal and Alternate by Name Only lists prepositioning date is 08 December 2022 for all preposition recipients. The lists will be publicly released at 0730 (EDT) on 13 December 2022 and released separately from the FY24 CSL slates. 10. FORSCOM WIAS POSITIONS (UPDATED A/O 23 NOV 22). Hot openings listed at the following link.      a. J5 DEPUTY DIRECTOR| DJIBOUTI | O5 | 02A | TS | ASAP | 365 DAYS.      b. FACILITY_REPAIR_OPS_OFFICER | HONOLULU | O3-O4 | 12A | SECRET | ASAP | 365 DAYS.      c. JPRC DEPDIR/PR MSN PLNR/COORD | SOTO CANO | WO2 | 153D | SECRET | ASAP | 180 DAYS.      d. O & P CHIEF/ DEPUTY CJ6 | ARIFJAN | O4 | 25A | TS/SCI | ASAP | 365 DAYS. 11. ARNG/USAR POSITIONS/JOBS AVAILABLE.  S1NET members have posted the following RC position/job vacancy information.  For a listing of all USAR primary vacancies (updated weekly) visit Units/commands who wish to post vacancies on S1NET may do so by following the instructions posted on the front page of the Job Announcements topic at the following link. Those posts which are in the correct location and which are posted in accordance with the instructions provided will be included in a future S1NET Message Summary.      a. USAREUR-AF SECRETARY OF THE GENERAL STAFF, 9 X ADOS POSITIONS AVAILABLE: 3XO4 01A (PLANNERS); 2XO3 O1A (STAFF ACTION CONTROL); 1XO3 O1A (COMMS); 1XO3 36A (FINANCE); 1XE7 42A (SR ADMIN SERVICES); AND 1XE6 36B (FINANCE); DUTY AT WIESBADEN, GERMANY.      b. TPU WARRANT OFFICER POSITION, COMMAND CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER (CCWO), 316TH ESC, CORAOPOLIS, PA.      c. WEEKLY ARNG G2 (ADOS / FRA / EXTERNAL) VACANCY LISTINGS, POSITIONS WORLDWIDE.      d. EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS LIAISON OFFICER (EPLO) AUGMENTATION GROUP VACANCIES, O4-O6, VARIOUS LOCATIONS.      e. HEADQUARTERS, 103D SUSTAINMENT COMMAND (EXPEDITIONARY) -HHC CDR (CPT/LG), DES MOINES, IA.      f. 11TH CIVIL SUPPORT TEAM, MEANG, SSGT/3E9XX, SURVEY TEAM MEMBER, WATERVILLE, ME.      g. 262ND ENGINEER COMPANY, SSG/TRAINING NCO, MEARNG, SANFORD, ME.      h. HHD-345TH MI BN, TPU, HHD CO CDR VACANCY, FT. GORDON, GA.      i. KANSAS ARMY NATIONAL GUARD, MULTIPLE MDAY E7-E8 POSITIONS AVAILABLE IN THE FOLLOWING MOS: 27D, 25W, 25H, 46Z, 00D.      j. HQDA, ARMY G-1 PERSONNEL CONTINGENCY CELL, PENTAGON: MOBILIZATION VACANCIES (ARNG, USAR, IMA, IRR), OPERATIONS SGT E6-E7 42A/OPEN TO ALL MOSS, PLANS OFFICER O2-O3 01A.


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